Hello, all! I'm new to the forums but I thought I'd join as fish keeping is a hobby of mine and I need some advice.
I have a hundred litre tank and I have three rummy nose tetras, five cardinal tetras, two brittlenose plecos, one red honey gourami and a clown loach.
Now, I know that my tank is far too small for a clown loach, but I didn't know that when I brought him. I went to the store to ask for snail treatment, and they told me that my tank was fine for a clown loach, so I brought him. It was only when I did research that I found out they needed to be in a groups AND they need a bigger tank. I've spent all my birthday money on a 300L tank (all I could afford) that will give him a better life. I'll move him once the tank is set up and the water's been running on it's own for a few weeks.
Anyway, my question is about my red honey gourami. I've had him for over a year now and I had another one that died last year. He went very pale and couldn't swim properly. This one is stranger. He's sticking at the top of the tank and he won't move, there are strange bubbles around him. I know it could be a nest, but there's not a lot of it. But it's bubbles I've never seen before, it's almost soapy looking. He seems quite wide-eyed and he's swimming around OK when he ventures out but his bottom half drags him down if that makes sense. It looks like he's dead, but then he moves around, so it's confusing.
I don't know what to make of it! Is he ill? Is it laying eggs? I'm confused!!
My other fish seem fine. My tetras and clown loach are swimming around peacefully and my plecos are chilling out. My rummy nose tetras are bright red which indicates
A general question too, how many water changes should I make? I've been doing a 30-40% change every two weeks? Is that too much? Too little?
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!
I have a hundred litre tank and I have three rummy nose tetras, five cardinal tetras, two brittlenose plecos, one red honey gourami and a clown loach.
Now, I know that my tank is far too small for a clown loach, but I didn't know that when I brought him. I went to the store to ask for snail treatment, and they told me that my tank was fine for a clown loach, so I brought him. It was only when I did research that I found out they needed to be in a groups AND they need a bigger tank. I've spent all my birthday money on a 300L tank (all I could afford) that will give him a better life. I'll move him once the tank is set up and the water's been running on it's own for a few weeks.
Anyway, my question is about my red honey gourami. I've had him for over a year now and I had another one that died last year. He went very pale and couldn't swim properly. This one is stranger. He's sticking at the top of the tank and he won't move, there are strange bubbles around him. I know it could be a nest, but there's not a lot of it. But it's bubbles I've never seen before, it's almost soapy looking. He seems quite wide-eyed and he's swimming around OK when he ventures out but his bottom half drags him down if that makes sense. It looks like he's dead, but then he moves around, so it's confusing.
I don't know what to make of it! Is he ill? Is it laying eggs? I'm confused!!
My other fish seem fine. My tetras and clown loach are swimming around peacefully and my plecos are chilling out. My rummy nose tetras are bright red which indicates
A general question too, how many water changes should I make? I've been doing a 30-40% change every two weeks? Is that too much? Too little?
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!