Strange Gourami Behaviour

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2014
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Hello, all! I'm new to the forums but I thought I'd join as fish keeping is a hobby of mine and I need some advice.
I have a hundred litre tank and I have three rummy nose tetras, five cardinal tetras, two brittlenose plecos, one red honey gourami and a clown loach.
Now, I know that my tank is far too small for a clown loach, but I didn't know that when I brought him. I went to the store to ask for snail treatment, and they told me that my tank was fine for a clown loach, so I brought him. It was only when I did research that I found out they needed to be in a groups AND they need a bigger tank. I've spent all my birthday money on a 300L tank (all I could afford) that will give him a better life. I'll move him once the tank is set up and the water's been running on it's own for a few weeks.
Anyway, my question is about my red honey gourami. I've had him for over a year now and I had another one that died last year. He went very pale and couldn't swim properly. This one is stranger. He's sticking at the top of the tank and he won't move, there are strange bubbles around him. I know it could be a nest, but there's not a lot of it. But it's bubbles I've never seen before, it's almost soapy looking. He seems quite wide-eyed and he's swimming around OK when he ventures out but his bottom half drags him down if that makes sense. It looks like he's dead, but then he moves around, so it's confusing.
I don't know what to make of it! Is he ill? Is it laying eggs? I'm confused!!
My other fish seem fine. My tetras and clown loach are swimming around peacefully and my plecos are chilling out. My rummy nose tetras are bright red which indicates 
A general question too, how many water changes should I make? I've been doing a 30-40% change every two weeks? Is that too much? Too little? 
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! :)
Even the 300L is not big enough for life. They need a minimum of a 6ft tank and groups of 6+.
Your rummies and maybe the neons would probably appreciate a few more buddies as well, but am not sure the size of the tank you have them in.
Just leaving the tank with water running through it doesn't do anything. You'd be adding him to an uncycled tank. You can take up to 1/3 of your filter media from the current tank and put it in there to help jumpstart the cycle.
You'll also want some ammonia if you don't already have some and you'll want to follow THIS.
He could be making a bubblenest..but not sure why his bottom half is dragging. What are your water parameters?
Most do a minimum of 25% weekly.
I hope I didn't come off as rude or anything.
to the forum btw!
Ninjouzata said:
Even the 300L is not big enough for life. They need a minimum of a 6ft tank and groups of 6+.
Your rummies and maybe the neons would probably appreciate a few more buddies as well, but am not sure the size of the tank you have them in.
Just leaving the tank with water running through it doesn't do anything. You'd be adding him to an uncycled tank. You can take up to 1/3 of your filter media from the current tank and put it in there to help jumpstart the cycle.
You'll also want some ammonia if you don't already have some and you'll want to follow THIS.
He could be making a bubblenest..but not sure why his bottom half is dragging. What are your water parameters?
Most do a minimum of 25% weekly.
I hope I didn't come off as rude or anything.
to the forum btw!
Ah, that's a shame. The shop wouldn't take him back by the time I found out that the clown loach wan't right for my tank. I normally do a lot of research before adding any fish but I went looking for some snail treatment and ended up leaving with a clown loach as I was told that he would be fine for my tank! I can't find anyone else to have him and I've kinda fallen in love with the little guy. He's fascinating and hilarious to watch. 
Would 300L not be big enough for him and a few buddies until I can get an even bigger tank in a few years? I heard they grow quite slowly? 
Once I move my clown loach and one of my plecos into a new tank (I have to separate them as one bullies the other one whenever food is added and it stresses out my other fish) I'm definitely going to add some more tetras! :) 
I'm going to read that guide and do as advised before adding any fish into my new tank! :)
I don't know what my water parameters are. I was told by a friend of mine who gave me all the current fish I have (clown loach aside) that it shouldn't matter to test as I long as I do regular water changes and vacuum waste out of the gravel, which I've been doing. It would seem as if my gourami is on his way out. :( He's gone very pale and he's laying on the gravel now which is upsetting! 
I'll start doing a 25% water change weekly starting from today!
No, you haven't come across as rude at all! I really appreciate all of your help and advice! I'm just trying to give my fish the best life possible! 
They are definitely neat, though havn't had them myself! Would love to one day.
I can't comment on their growth rate though I've also heard they grow slowly. Hopefully someone with more experience in them can say.
Ah..I'll want to pick up a liquid test kit such as API. You don't have to test regularly but it's good to have this on hand when something is off with your fish, like it is now.
When did you get your tank? Did you cycle it? Sorry if you had written that above somewhere, I've forgotten.
I'm glad I havn't come off as rude ^_^

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