Strange Cory Behaviour

dude the 4th

New Member
Jul 6, 2012
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I noticed when i got my tank my cory lost its barbels because of the rough stones in the tank, but i noticed today they have grown back, is this normal?
Yes, it is normal for them to grow back. Do you have them on a smoother substrate now? And you should think about getting some friends for it, if you just have the one; cories are very social fish.
It's a dilemma whether it's the sharp substrate or actually bacteria causing barbel damage. I think the latest research is suggesting it's more than likely due to bacteria that gets into the gravel and not the sand or smaller grain substrate. I keep corys on sharp subsrate in one of my tanks and so far so good. I'll be changing it soon when I find time regardless, as the corys do need the sand to bury their heads into :)
It's a dilemma whether it's the sharp substrate or actually bacteria causing barbel damage. I think the latest research is suggesting it's more than likely due to bacteria that gets into the gravel and not the sand or smaller grain substrate. I keep corys on sharp subsrate in one of my tanks and so far so good. I'll be changing it soon when I find time regardless, as the corys do need the sand to bury their heads into

This is an age old discussion, it's likely that it's the sharp substrate causing cuts or abrasions and then the 'bacteria' is causing an infection. Either way, with a sand substrate, cory's certainly come into there own and show much more natural behaviour :)

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