Stocking ....what To Introduce


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2012
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I have just introduced my fish into my 200l tank and I'm wondering what I could add to it

I have the following in already

1X Young Red tail black shark (yes I know they can become aggressive and bigger)
1x Syno Hybrid (Multipunctata/decorus)
3x danio (gold / pearl)
2x Pearl Gourami
4x Neon Tetras (yes they may become food for the rtbs but all has been well so far)

I have still got my 75 litre tank running so I have the option of moving stock back into it.

I want a tranquil tank.


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Had a red tailed black shark for 3 years and didnt eat any of my neons, and was only agggressive when feeding. Think you should up the numbers of the neons though.
Had a red tailed black shark for 3 years and didnt eat any of my neons, and was only agggressive when feeding. Think you should up the numbers of the neons though.

Yes I was thinking of that but not sure whether to put them back in the old tank....... On the subject of feeding, what did you feed your rtbs? I have changed to sand substrate from gravel and I wonder if that would make a difference. It does rummage about the glass and wood but not sure if it's getting enough nutrition.

I do add cucumber or courgette occasionally
Fed mine flake and bloodworm. But make sure it gets down to the bottom of the tank. Mine rarely came off the bottom to eat. He also used to steal my corrys and bn plec algae wafers. Yeah cucumber would be a good idea from time to time :)
Fed mine flake and bloodworm. But make sure it gets down to the bottom of the tank. Mine rarely came off the bottom to eat. He also used to steal my corrys and bn plec algae wafers. Yeah cucumber would be a good idea from time to time :)

Thanks that has helped :good:
Up the number on the neons and danios to at least 6 of each. From there you could add another school of something and maybe a pair or two of a dwarf cichlid of some type.
I was wanting to get another catfish to pair up with the one I have, due it being a hybrid i'm not sure if that is possible. What about corydoras?????

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