Stocking Suggestions Cichlid 50Gal


Jul 16, 2013
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Thinking of doing a cichlid setup in a juwel trigon 50gal

Want stocking suggestions please, looking at many colourful fish

What about -
12 Cyprichromis leptosoma (Mpulungu)

Pair Chalinochromis brichardi

Pair Altolamprologus calvus

Open to all suggestions

I have internal and external filters with t5 lighting
12 Cyprichromis leptosoma - not recommended for your tank size, they may eventually outgrow your tank as can grow up to 4.5 inches!
These Cyprichromis leptosoma, Altolamprologus calvus are more commonly in Lake Tanganyika set ups while Brichardi is more Malawi......
To be honest I don't know much about the Chalinochromis brichardi, hopefully someone more knowledgable will advise about those.
But even without the brichardis, don't think will really work in a 50gal even with a Tanganyika set up....
Think you might be better off setting up an Lake tanganyika set up in a minimum of 240 litre / 63 US Gal tank according to Practical Fishkeeping.
 But of course could be totally wrong and the guys here will berate me for even saying this!!
Lots of different websites will give conflicting advice I find. The guys on this forum will hopefully give a more accurate answer soon.
Done some research on Cyprichromis leptosoma (Mpulungu) and found that they can be keeped in 29gal but 40gal would be bare minimum. Also found one article that there is a jumbo version ( donno what this refers to)

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