Your tank would be fine for either mentioned fish.
For the Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish. These must be kept in a group, and six or more is best to ease its skittishness, with a ratio of minimum 2 females per male to prevent over-harassment. So, something like 2 males and 4 females, or 3 males and 5-6 females. Tankmates can include any of the peaceful and similarly-sized characins, rasbora, danio, catfish and dwarf loaches...not all of these of course.
Re the biotope, this fish comes from New Guinea, and is endemic [means it occurs no where else as far as we know] to the Mamberamo River system. It inhabits flowing streams (main river tributaries) and swamps and marshes; found among thick vegetation, bogwood and submerged branches and roots. So a typical habitat tank could be replicating a stream with sand or fine gravel, chunks of wood and branches, and some plants. Or more of a bog/swamp, with sand, lots of wood, and plants including a good cover of floating plants. Temperature should be in the range of 24-25C/74-77F.
If you leave out the rainbows and have neons, a large group of say 15-20 would be nice. This fish occurs in many blackwater or clearwater streams of the upper Amazon basin in Peru, sections of the Rio Ucayali, and elsewhere in South America. Other non-aggressive fish such as other characins, rasbora, danios, small catfish and dwarf loaches could be included, though again not all of these. The loaches are Asian fish, so not strictly "biotope" with neons, if that matters to you.
A neon biotope would be a small stream with a sand substrate, lots of chunks of wood, with or without branches, and some dry leaves on the sand if you like. You could have substrate-rooted plants, or none if you have enough wood/branches to make an intersting aquascape, and add floating plants. These dim the light which is ideal for most South American fish. Temperature for neons should also be on the cooler side, about the same as for the rainbows.
Yu could probably have both neon rainbows and neon tetra together, but I personally would not because they are both brightly coloured and this could be somewhat distracting with too much. Les vividly-coloured fish work better with a brightly-coloured main fish.
Hope this helps, but feel free to ask further.