[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]Chaps and chapettes, again, im stuck. I now have a fluval roma 240 55gal with an APS 2000EF. In it I have 10 columbian tetra and 2 blue acara, the decor will be some beautiful manzanita that Ive got on order from america and sand.[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]Now to my problem...stocking, i cannot decide on the following[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]The peaceful colourful tank...tetra, acara, 5 discus[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]The crazy hardnut cichlid tank...cichlasoma festae x2 Salvini x2 GTx1 maybe 2 convicts (space permitting)[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]The discus tank....7 discus only[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]The Mixed tank....1x red severum, 2xfiremouth, 4 angels[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]I just cant decide, I want colour more than anything and reasonably sized fish. Im aware of discus requirements and compatability issues of the other fish so please simply advise which or what stock list you'd go for, thanks Ben[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]Now to my problem...stocking, i cannot decide on the following[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]The peaceful colourful tank...tetra, acara, 5 discus[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]The crazy hardnut cichlid tank...cichlasoma festae x2 Salvini x2 GTx1 maybe 2 convicts (space permitting)[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]The discus tank....7 discus only[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]The Mixed tank....1x red severum, 2xfiremouth, 4 angels[/background]
[background=rgb(231, 234, 239)]I just cant decide, I want colour more than anything and reasonably sized fish. Im aware of discus requirements and compatability issues of the other fish so please simply advise which or what stock list you'd go for, thanks Ben[/background]