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First suggestion is to leave the RTS where it is until you have the other fish in the new tank, if at all possible. This has to do with territory, as the shark will easily claim the entire tank and may be less tolerant even of upper fish.
You probably know that other substrate fish are basically impossible, especially in this small a tank (3-foot for this fish is not large, but manageable), and this includes catfish, cichlids (which occupy the lower level and are frequently attacked) and such.
Upper fish can be some of the more active cyprinids, such as the barbs and rasbora (the medium to larger species obviously). Tank space is limiting here, so I would look primarily at the medium rasbora. The common Harlequin for example should be fine, in a group of 8-9. And there are some other similarly-sized species though not perhaps as colourful. Medium barbs can work, but here one has to be careful to avoid vertically-striped fish, like the Tiger Barb as an example. For reasons not understood, the RTS frequently takes a dislike to vertically-patterned upper fish. Many fairly peaceful barbs seem to have vertical bars on them, which is a shame. The Black Ruby Barb would be a nice combo, sharing the black and red colouration, but be careful as the females have distinct vertical bars.
I wasn't going to move him till I had stocked the tank , I've done it before using brown and blue Accra s tinfoil barbs small Oscars , what it was I was looking for new ideas .First suggestion is to leave the RTS where it is until you have the other fish in the new tank, if at all possible. This has to do with territory, as the shark will easily claim the entire tank and may be less tolerant even of upper fish.
You probably know that other substrate fish are basically impossible, especially in this small a tank (3-foot for this fish is not large, but manageable), and this includes catfish, cichlids (which occupy the lower level and are frequently attacked) and such.
Upper fish can be some of the more active cyprinids, such as the barbs and rasbora (the medium to larger species obviously). Tank space is limiting here, so I would look primarily at the medium rasbora. The common Harlequin for example should be fine, in a group of 8-9. And there are some other similarly-sized species though not perhaps as colourful. Medium barbs can work, but here one has to be careful to avoid vertically-striped fish, like the Tiger Barb as an example. For reasons not understood, the RTS frequently takes a dislike to vertically-patterned upper fish. Many fairly peaceful barbs seem to have vertical bars on them, which is a shame. The Black Ruby Barb would be a nice combo, sharing the black and red colouration, but be careful as the females have distinct vertical bars.