Stocking List


Fish Fanatic
Nov 23, 2012
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I was advised in Chat to make a stocking thread after having used the calculator to work out what I can safely stock. Reason being, it's slightly outdated apparently.

Right so then, it's a 100L tank with an Eheim 2224 External filter, more than adequate. I'm still fish-less cycling it right now but I want to know what I can safely load in when done.

Now the calculator reckons I'd be 100% stocked with:

4 zebra loach (have 1 to go in from other tank),
6 Tiger Barbs (again, 2 to go in from other tank),
and 1 BN Pleco.

I think they'd all get along OK but does anyone want to comment? Will the BN pleco be ok on it's own? I don't see the barbs having anything to fight with or nip on?

Many thanks!
I don't think the mix would cause problems, but tiger barbs are supposed to do best in a big group - I have 12 and apart from investigating new arrivals to see if they're edible (!) they leave all my other fish alone, or sometimes school with them when they're all having a mad five minutes.

I wouldn't want to make a suggestion that resulting in overstocking, but I'd try and get more than 6 barbs if I were you. Plus they're fabulous to watch!
Yeah I'd like to bud but I can't because of the tank size. 6 is supposed to be a good minimum and ease aggression so we'll see.
What about upping the number of tiger barbs to 10, and swap the loaches for smaller bottom fish like cories? That way you could easily have a good amount of both barbs and cory. And the bn will be fine what ever you choose :good:
Hmm yeah maybe I'll do that. I'll take a look at some cories in my lfs.
Sorry to bring my old thread up but I have a question regarding stocking. I ask because I was told the stocking calculator is somewhat dated?

I have 1 zebra loach and 2 tiger barbs to go in from my 45L tank.

To add to this I was thinking about adding:

8 Tiger Barbs
3 Zebra Loach
1 or 2 BN Pleco's.

I love Pleco's and must have at least one. I realise my tank is too small for a common Plec.

Now will this be overstocked? There is adequate filtration from a Eheim 2224 as well as rocks, wood, and live plants.
Ppl always suggest higher numbers of tiger barbs, which Im not arguing with, Im sure the higher of number the better, BUT.... I have 4 tiger barbs and 2 green (have always kept tigers in smaller groups) and I dont have any problems! I have cories, plecos, and a single angel and my barbs don't fin nip any of them. Maybe it's the mix of the green and the tigers (keeping each other on their toes ;) ) Im not sure. I know every situation is different, but tigers CAN be kept in smaller numbers. My great LFS guy recommends odd numbers though, so i would go with 5 or 7. Don't give up on your loaches if that's what you want to do b.c you think you HAVE to get a large group of tigers. I would suggest starting with a smaller group and see if that works for a week or so, and if you see aggression, then maybe add more. Once you have it figured out, add your loaches (atleast 3) I hope this works out for you and I think you will be pleased with a group of tigers, i love mine :wub: GL!!!
Thankyou :)

I'm going to start with 6 tiger barbs, 4 zebra loach, and 1 BN plec I think.

Still submerging this Darn wood. May end up cable tying it down with rocks I think!
Remember not to add too many all at once. Start with the ones you have and slowly introduce more fish so not to freak out the filter. Your stock list sounds great! Good luck!
It'll be a fully cycled tank with a bacteria stuffed Eheim external so I should be able to load it right up straight away.
The sudden ammonia added by the poop from all those fishies will cause dangerous water conditions. You can start stocking now but not add them all at once!
How come if the filter is equipped to deal with it all?
I you are dosing the ammonia up to 4/5 ppm and it is disappearing in 12 hours then you can add your full stock in one go.

The reason for this is by dosing ammonia that high you are growing enough bacteria to handle a fully stocked tank.

If you have a tank with fish in then only enough bacteria will grow to handle the current fish - any other bacteria will be unfed and die. If at this stage you want to add more fish you have to do it slows as to not overload the filter.
I know. Lol that's what I'm saying. It's a fully cycled fish less tank that's been dosed as you say.
I was under the impression that you ha to add slowly but was convinced otherwise by others which knew a lot more than me.

However - I still choose to stock slowly as it has allowed me to spread the new fish feeling an change my mind several times!

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