Stocking List For My 4Ft 50Gallon Tank


New Member
Feb 15, 2012
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So, I am setting up my 4 foot 50 gallon planted tank at the moment, have decided to go down the "silent cycle" route. You can watch my progress in the Members Aquarium and Fish Pictures section.

So I am now pondering what to stock the tank with, and I want it to be a community tank.
Currently I have a 10 gallon tank with a few fish, some of which will be getting a new home in the 4 footer.

So in a couple of weeks, once I am happy that my plants are nicely established, this is what I am planning to do

Week 1:
- 2-3 Bristlenose Catfish (to nom nom the algae of course)

Week 2:
- Transfer 5 Whitecloud Minnows from 10 gallon tank
- Add 5 new Whitecloud Minnows from LFS

Week 3:
- Add 10 Neon Tetras From LFS

Week 4:
- Transfer 1 Anglefish (small) from 10 gallon tank
- Transfer 1 Rainbow shark from 10 gallon tank
- Transfer 1 Silvershark (small) from 10 gallon tank

Week 5:
- Add 2 new Anglefish (small) from LFS
- Add 2 new Silversharks (small) from FLS

So that's what is planned so far...

Down the line I was also thinking getting 3 Clown Loaches, and a few Platy's

But I don't know if the tank would be "overstocked" by then or now... I think my plan up to week 5 should be ok.
I have a definite feeling that I have over stocked my 10 gallon tank at the moment, which is why I am transferring some of the fishes over to the 50 gallon, and giving them friends.

Could I combine week 2 with week 3, and week 4 with week 5 to speed up the stocking, and just keep an eye on the water conditions?

What you guys/gals think?
Hi, i think you should keep to your plan because if you stock the tank too much to quickly you could end up getting an ammonia spike because may make you end up losing all your fish. with the clown loaches i would be careful because i had problems with them the first time i got them because of the tank was new or it could of been where i brought them but anyway i would wait for a few months before gettting them to get your tank to finish its cycle properly because i found it was hard to keep them until my tanks was about 2 to 3 months running.

so yea i would keep to your plan or even take it a bit slower.
What is a silver shark? It's a bit of an odd mix of fish but should be ok. Don't do the clowns as they get way too big. Also, Angels typically are kept in taller tanks but it wouldn't be the absolute worst thing on earth.

Oh also I'd leave the white clouds in the 10 and only have 10 neons or vice versa. You've got a lot of fish that would be competing for space near the top of the tank.
What is a silver shark? It's a bit of an odd mix of fish but should be ok. Don't do the clowns as they get way too big. Also, Angels typically are kept in taller tanks but it wouldn't be the absolute worst thing on earth.

Oh also I'd leave the white clouds in the 10 and only have 10 neons or vice versa. You've got a lot of fish that would be competing for space near the top of the tank.

silver shark = bala shark

the angel, silver shark, and rainbow shark are in a tank together atm... they seem alright together
I can forsee a few problems with your proposed stocking.

A four foot, 50 gallon tank isn't really big enough for bala sharks.

Angels should never be kept in threes; they can be quite aggressive, and two nearly always gang up on the other one. Angels really need to be kept in groups of six/eight, mated pairs or single specimens.
I might be being stupid but don't Bristlenose Catfish need a mature environment?

If so, I'd suggest putting them in on week 3 or 4.
I can forsee a few problems with your proposed stocking.

A four foot, 50 gallon tank isn't really big enough for bala sharks.

Angels should never be kept in threes; they can be quite aggressive, and two nearly always gang up on the other one. Angels really need to be kept in groups of six/eight, mated pairs or single specimens.

Maybe I will keep the angle as a single... just feel sorry for the little fella :p

I might be being stupid but don't Bristlenose Catfish need a mature environment?

If so, I'd suggest putting them in on week 3 or 4.

Hmmm... okies... I will have to think about that one...
I'd say get a single angel and leave out the clowns as they need a tank of at least 6 foot in length.

Also as fluttermoth has said, a 4 foot tank is not really big enough for Bala sharks. They get quite big and need bigger tanks. It is also a bad idea to mix any 2 species of shark as when they get older they will fight. Bala's won't be too bad but I'm pretty sure rainbows are along the same lines as red tails and get terrortorial when older
Welcome to TFF alvse.
I must assume that you are an experienced and quite competent plant person since you have chosen to do a silent cycle. Otherwise, that path is simply foolhardy. If you are already running a 10 gallon, why not clean its filter in your new tank to jump start the new filter. At least that way you stand a chance of establishing a bacterial colony that can handle your nitrogen.
Clown loaches are simply too big, at adult size, for a tiny 50 gallon tank, tiny by the standards of clown loaches.

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