Fish Fanatic
Hi again all!
So my cycle is nearly over, ferts and liquid carbon dosing are reviving the plants and slowly decreasing the amount of algae.. its nearly time for the fish.
Looking into stocking and really not sure on what fish to go for so i'll let you know a few stats on the tank, some of the fish i like and would be open to suggestions! Looking for a peaceful, colourful community tank.
Tank =
- 70L (17.5 US Gal roughly)
- Moderatley Planted, Wood and Rock, Gravel substrate.
- pH of tap water = roughly 8 varies between 7.0 and 8.5 (tank usually reads around 8.0)
- Hardness of tapwater: 12dH (210ppm) fairly hard
- Fair bit of flow by a circulation pump to keep the plants happy, dose liquid carbo daily and do EI with ferts.
- 6 w/pL lighting so well lit.
Fish i like =
Harlequin Rasboras
Cherry Barbs
Fancy Guppies
I.e which of these fish could be kept together, what would be a nice mixed tank of say 3/4 different species. I was thinking along the lines of a shoal, a trio and a solitary fish/pair?
Will be doing 50% water change weekly due to EI ferts anyway.
So my cycle is nearly over, ferts and liquid carbon dosing are reviving the plants and slowly decreasing the amount of algae.. its nearly time for the fish.
Looking into stocking and really not sure on what fish to go for so i'll let you know a few stats on the tank, some of the fish i like and would be open to suggestions! Looking for a peaceful, colourful community tank.
Tank =
- 70L (17.5 US Gal roughly)
- Moderatley Planted, Wood and Rock, Gravel substrate.
- pH of tap water = roughly 8 varies between 7.0 and 8.5 (tank usually reads around 8.0)
- Hardness of tapwater: 12dH (210ppm) fairly hard
- Fair bit of flow by a circulation pump to keep the plants happy, dose liquid carbo daily and do EI with ferts.
- 6 w/pL lighting so well lit.
Fish i like =
Harlequin Rasboras
Cherry Barbs
Fancy Guppies
I.e which of these fish could be kept together, what would be a nice mixed tank of say 3/4 different species. I was thinking along the lines of a shoal, a trio and a solitary fish/pair?
Will be doing 50% water change weekly due to EI ferts anyway.