Stocking Limit


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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Curious to ask if this is a good place to hold stocking now.
10 Congo tetras
2 German blues
3 Pearls.
200L tank or 53 Gallons, Heavily planted, High tech with good flow and movement :3
Never seen the tank so busy before, It's nice to see.
I love celestial pearl danio and since they are micro fish a good sized school can be had in a 50 gallon tank. I had a school of 24 of them and just loved them. 
What. I thought I was overstocked. The congos are fairly big fish. There like almost fully grown bristlenoses that swim about lols.
In that case I say you are pretty good and recommend (depending on substrate) that you load up on cory.
I don't think that's too many for a 50 gallon. Close.
In that case I say you are pretty good and recommend (depending on substrate) that you load up on cory.
I don't think that's too many for a 50 gallon. Close.
I agree
I am always weary of rams with corys, just because the rams will protect their breeding patch and fry and corys are just clueless about the idea of territories. You could try corys again, maybe something a bit bigger like Brochis would work. Or hoplos. I like hoplo catfish and from what I have read they are a social fish, peaceful and have unusual way of breeding.
Yea I didn't think rams and corys would work well. I have corys on my 20gal anyway.
The congos maybe a bit much for 50gals, they are large boistrous and very active. Wouldnt keep congos in anything less than a 4ft tank, I keep 30 of the buggers had them for over 6years now, they are bloody huge!
Oh also they love eating plants, my planted tank was destroyed lol!
Good number tho, personally i would never keep any less than 10, they are very shy and skittish in a group of anything less than that.

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