Mostly New Member
So I'm trying to decide what type of fish to stock my new 20 gallon tank when the time comes. The dimensions are 24''x12''x16''. My water pH is 7.4. I'm most likely going to change it up and use some black sand (Which I've never done before) that I will use to heavily plant the tank. I'm also adding some rocks that I'm going to attach together to form a cave or two along with some driftwood. I was thinking of getting a small school (6-8) of fish like tetras or danios, Some shrimp(2-4?) as my bottom dwellers, and a pair of fish as my "showcase fish", I was thinking maybe a male and female dwarf gourami or even a pair of male swordtails? (I don't know if my tank would be large enough to prevent any aggression from two males). I'd like to get some opinions on different stocking ideas with the tank setup I'm planning. The fish I listed are just a general idea so I'm open to different ideas!