Fish Fanatic
i know this is asked so often and theres so many threads but im after a few suggestions as to what to add to my stocking list.
my setup (currently being cycled) is a rio 125 with tetra ex1200 filter and will be moderatly planted.
i have so far, currently, decided on
2 x bn plecs
4-6 bronze corys
8-10 harlequin rasparas
3 pearl gourami
I would like to add another single breed (approx 4 fish) to the list but i really dont know what. obviously what i add would depend on stocking at lfs but they generally pretty gd and have even mentioned ordering in if not in stock.
Help and comments appreciated
my setup (currently being cycled) is a rio 125 with tetra ex1200 filter and will be moderatly planted.
i have so far, currently, decided on
2 x bn plecs
4-6 bronze corys
8-10 harlequin rasparas
3 pearl gourami
I would like to add another single breed (approx 4 fish) to the list but i really dont know what. obviously what i add would depend on stocking at lfs but they generally pretty gd and have even mentioned ordering in if not in stock.
Help and comments appreciated