Stocking Ideas

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2012
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Ive a 60 x 18x 26 inch on the way. I'm looking for some ideas on oddball stock. What do you reckon folks?
Ive a 60 x 18x 26 inch on the way. I'm looking for some ideas on oddball stock. What do you reckon folks?
Zig Zag Eel, Pictus Catfish, Ghost Catfish, Bichirs, Knifefish , Elephant fish, crawfish.

Ive a 60 x 18x 26 inch on the way. I'm looking for some ideas on oddball stock. What do you reckon folks?
Zig Zag Eel, Pictus Catfish, Ghost Catfish, Bichirs, Knifefish , Elephant fish, crawfish.
I like datnoids, fire eels, bichirs, gars, catfish, leaf fish, arowana, clown knife fish, and maybe even a teacup stingray since they dont get that big. The arowana and some species of catfish might outgrow your tank. I would also consider getting some color like maybe tinfoil barbs, bala sharks or parrot fish. Now this would be a bad-@$$ tank!
Which way round are the dimensions? Is it 18 wide and 26 tall or 26 wide and 18 tall? Kind of determines how big the fish you get are.

Oddballer0412 is on the right track but I would skip the Elephant Fish because they require quite a calm tank where as things like Pictus are pretty boisterous. I would also forget the Crawfish as they rarely end well in mixed tanks. The Knife fish depending on tank dimensions and species.

Also for me Alex1319 suggestions are a bit of a push for most of them... the leaf fish is okay for the tank depending on tank mates - dont get Rays, teacup rays is just a name for young rays that have the potential to get a 12-14 inch disk depending on gender.

Hate to take apart other peoples suggestions but dont want the OP misled.

African Butterfly Fish (upto 5)
Leopard Bushfish (somewhere between 4 and 8)
Congo Tetra (good sized group of ~15, two females per male)
Upside Down Catfish (nice big group, say 15)
Reedfish (5 or 6)
African Brown Knife Fish (1, I'm not aware of them being social, but could be wrong)
Distichodus affinis (1, far smaller than sexfasciatus or lusosso, literally just read this one can be social with conspecifics)
Synodontis notata (1, my 25+cm specimen is a gentle giant that cruises the lower tank levels throughout the day) and/or a group of 5+ Synodontis schoutedeni (infamous for forming "golf ball" shaped stomachs!)

I'd love to say a big group (15-20) of the schooling midwater Pareutropius debauwi catfish, that grow a little bigger than the more common P. buffei, but I'm not sure if they really do reach 10cm in hobby tanks and whether they will be safe enough from the Reedfish and Bushfish in this setup.

There's also a range of Birchirs, but I don't know enough about them to say how they would combine with the above list.

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