Stocking Help


New Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Hi everyone,
Ive had my 180 juwel planted community running for about a year now, currently home to a bristlenose, an african butterfly cichlid, 6 fairy corys and 12 glowlight tetras. I'm looking to add some more fish. Just not gotta clue what and how much room we have left. Anyone any suggestions of what we can look into?? I was looking into gouramis but didnt know if Id be overstocked and whether I could get enough of them for them to be happy and peaceful/ right combi nation with existing fish etc. Was also thinking about getting some amano shrimp too.
Many thanks
I would get more cories to begin with. Maybe after that you could get another shoal of tetras. A gourami would of well. Pearls are pretty peaceful and are quite good centerpiece type fish too.
Cheers TallTree,
I really need to spend more time researching how to stock!!
Im going to the lfs today so shall see what sort of corys they have in stock. I agree thats a good place to start :)
sam_ward0611 said:
Cheers TallTree,
I really need to spend more time researching how to stock!!
Im going to the lfs today so shall see what sort of corys they have in stock. I agree thats a good place to start
I personally would increase the shoal that you currently have, rather than stocking a different species.
I would wanna remove the butterfly cichlid since it is a CICHLID and not a communty fish unless with other consecifics or synodontis catfish. I would wanna get you add more cories to your tank. Derp!
^There are loads of cichlids that can live in communities! Probably not brichardi, though, tbf ;)
the_lock_man said:
Cheers TallTree,
I really need to spend more time researching how to stock!!
Im going to the lfs today so shall see what sort of corys they have in stock. I agree thats a good place to start
I personally would increase the shoal that you currently have, rather than stocking a different species.
I would love to do that lock_man but Fairy corys are so hard to get hold of :(
I dont think I could get rid of him derp, hes very happy in my tank :) he was previously in a very well run mature community tank before he joined us last year. He's my little boys favourite too :D
If they have fairy cories at your LFS buy them but if they don't try to get a Cory that looks similar to fairy cories.

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