Stocking For 286Gal Tank?


Jun 11, 2013
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I started to cycle the tank today but i wanted to know what you opinion would be on the stocking. Right now I have been told a flower horn or a black ghost knife. I like the idea of the flower horn but just in case i am unable to get that fish, what fish would you recommend me? Big, small, any color shape or size.
geophagus surinamensis, some clown loach, maybe some snakeheads?or a large community tank full of many schooling fish?
Its a fantastic tank and I dont think the fish you have had suggested come remotely close to a good stocking plan..
The Flowerhorn - depending on the fish they could claim the whole tank and not let you have any tank mates. Others could be ok but for me a Flowerhorn in this kind of tank is not my first choice. I would more likely suggest a large 4 foot tank for a Flowerhorn, so you end up with the incredible fish and able to plan a one tank fish rather than end up no choice but to do this.
The BGK will work in this tank and it is probably one of the first tanks I have seen in a while on this forum that will work fantastically for this fish :D
I like DerpPHs idea of the Geophagus Surinimensis - or rather the Geophagus Altifrons you find in the shops. Though there are quite a few species in this group that will work things like Geophagus Albios, Geophagus Dicrozoster, Geophagus Megasema, Geophgaus Winemilleri and Geophagus sp. Red Head Tapajo - though there are many more species.
You could then mix this as a large scale South American tank with things like Severums, Acaras, Chocolate Cichlids and maybe Pike Cichlids if you can find the right species.
The BGK will fit in great in this tank but you could mix it with other SA oddballs like Headstanders, Lima Shovel Nose Catfish, big Disk Tetras, Hemiodus. Big plecs, like Commons, Sailfins or one of the rarer L numbers like L14, L095, L152, L190, L191
Or if you dont mind mixing continents/ countries you could look at things like the Clown Loaches, big Synodontis, Bichirs.
What do you like the sound of?
ncguppy830 said:
yeah i think the idea of alot of small fish would look cool
It would be a crime to waste such a big tank on such small fish in my opinion
well I was able to obtain some zebra plecos so maybe add on of those in the tank? and have the BGK. I do like the idea of the oddballs but the cichlids are always so tempting.... I might be able to get the disk tetras, hemiodus, lime shover catfish but mot sure if I can get the headstanders. but till now I think that's the idea I like the best. I do like the geophagus surinamensis but I don't think ive ever seen on any on sale locally.
ncguppy830 said:
yeah i think the idea of alot of small fish would look cool
It would be a crime to waste such a big tank on such small fish in my opinion
it would mimic there natural habitat

What I really meant was having many shools of tetra with varied colors. It would look cool. Ive seen my uncle's tank back then. A 150 that had cardinals, rummies, lemons, x-ray, and also bloodfin and hatchetfish
DerpPH said:


yeah i think the idea of alot of small fish would look cool
It would be a crime to waste such a big tank on such small fish in my opinion
it would mimic there natural habitat

What I really meant was having many shools of tetra with varied colors. It would look cool. Ive seen my uncle's tank back then. A 150 that had cardinals, rummies, lemons, x-ray, and also bloodfin and hatchetfish

It would look great, no doubt but I would get bored of it over time.
I just find bigger fish like cichlids so much more interesting and interactive, but that's just me
How about this:
10 angels
50 rummynose tetras
40 sterbai corys
25 hatchetfish
10 bolivian rams
Ok. The tank is not done cycling but i already have someone who will buy me the tank off me. I will give her all the ideas that have been posted and see which one she likes more.
I love the idea of a lot of small fish in a big tank. There would be movement with a school of tiny fish than with one large fish.
BUt I am obsessed with discus. You could have 10 or 15 and decent sized school of tiny fish. Then you could have both.
If I went with the discus, what other fish could go with them?
If you replace Bolivian rams with blue rams and angels with discus, my suggestion still stands. Actually that would have been my original suggestion, but both blue rams and discus tend to be a bit higher in maintenance, that is why I often suggest other stocking, but in a large tank I will always go for discus.

... or a reef, but that is another matter. The reason I never suggest a reef is that in a large tank it becomes SERIOUSLY expensive, and I never want to second-guess another user's finances.

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