Stocking Advice 130l Tropical Tank

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Jan 7, 2013
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Nottingham, UK
Hi. Just looking for some advice. In my 130l tank I have so far:
6 golden tetras
6 tetras of unknown breed
2 catfish of unknown breed
2 catfish of another unknown breed
2 red honey gouramis
1 male dwarf gourami
2 orandas ( I know these shouldn't be in here but there my sons and we are just going to see if they can cope before we make a decision on wether we keep them or not)

We want to add more. Maybe another group of tetras or like sized fish, and I'd also really like a couple of angel fish but I'm not certain these would get along with the tetras. Could some give me advice as to weather this would be ok or any alternatives to them.
Your main problem is the "unknown breed" part. Particularly the catfish. I have some Salt & Pepper Corydoras Catfish in my tank - they grow to about 2cm. I don't have a Common Plecostomus Catfish in my tank, because it would grow to about 60cm. However, they are both "Catfish"

No way of giving you advice without knowing what you've got in there at the moment.
Two are definatly pepper corydoras catfish. How do I upload photos?
The other two catfish, the largest is about 2 inches.
Based on that, is my tank already overstocked or could I add more n if so, what. Cheers
It doesn't matter what they are now, it's what they will grow into that counts.

To post a photo, upload it to something like FlickR or Photobucket, or Dropbox, and the copy the <IMG> code from there into a post on here.
Right, after much research I have found out what all my fish are, so here's the list:
2x davidsandsi cory cats
2x salt & pepper cory cats
2x red honey gouramis
1x male dwarf gourami
6x harlequin rasboras
6x golden White Cloud Mountain minnows
2x orandas

So my questions are:
1 - am I overstocked?
2 - if not how close to limit am I?
3 - what would you suggest adding?
4 - what would be a good center peice fish?

Hope some of you guys have some suggestions :)
Not overstocked, more wrongly stocked, the cories need to be in larger groups more like 6 so you wouldn't fit 2 species in there. The orandas, if you're talking about the goldfish, tend to be poop machines so that could be a problem too. The tetras should really be in larger numbers more like 8 or 10.
Thanks for the reply fishaholic. After getting rid of our 3 jack Dempsey chichlids the guy at the lfs advised us to start with the 2 groups of 6 tetras and my mrs wanted catfish so he suggested 4 of each, but as they weren't cheap he said 2 of each would be fine so we assumed he knew what he was talking about. Maybe not. The two groups of 6 tend to stick together. If I put another group of tetras in, should I put say 10, or stick with another group of 6? How many more more fish do you reckon I could fit in there? We wanted to put at least one more group of tetras and a couple of medium sized fish to finish off but we are very paranoid about over stocking. Any help would be much appreciated
It's normally better to have more of fewer species than less of more species, it's how they work, safety in numbers. Also I've just noticed the temp range on your WCMM doesn't overlap anything but the cories. If you wanted to keep tropical shoalers stick with tetras or rasboras, the cories might need to be swapped out but it depends on the heat you keep the tank at.

To be honest I would get rid of the cories and the WCMM, and one specie of the Gouramis, and do something like this:

8-9 Rummynose Tetra
8-9 Harlequin Rasbora
6-8 Corydoras Sterbai
and if you keep the Honey Gouramis a male Honey Gourami, and if you keep the Dwarf, 2 female dwarfs. Just so there's no confusion NEVER have more than one gourami it's more trouble than it's worth most of the time. After this I would say you're done.

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