It's a pleco. I plan on moving him to the 29 gallon, as I think he would be a lot happier there, and I don't plan on getting one for the 10 gallon. I did a lot more research and a lot more thinking and I think im going to go with about 3 small schools of 5-10 community fish, 2-3 goaurmis, the ghost shrimp, and a few frogs. as well as my pleco. The only thing I am wondering is can the goaurmis be housed in a 29 gallon? and will they eat the shrimp and hurt the frogs? ive never had goaurmis before, or know of anyone who has, so this is new to me. are they aggressive? As for the goldfish, im not sure what to do, if it out grows the 5 gallon I will put it in the 29 gallon, although I really do not what to do so. As for the 5 gallon that is empty, my plan is to buy small plants and a few ghost shrimp. as the plants get bigger I will move them into the 10 gallon and the 29 gallon. as far as the schools go, what fish do you suggest? I have two LFS that I go to, petsmart, and one that is known as corbets, I believe there is only 1 or 2 of them. I am considering getting rid of my bettas, or keeping them until I move out and then I will be able to give them each their own large tanks. Only problem with getting rid of them would be that if I bring them back to corbets, someone who buys them may put them in a smaller tank than they are already in. I understand that the zebras and platties and mollies ect need more space, however in about a year I plan on upgrading to a much larger tank and they will all have the room that they need. for now I am mainly concerned about how to stock this 29 gallon and the empty 5 gallon.
also, how long should I wait before moving the pleco to the 29 gallon, could I do that now?