Mostly New Member
Hello, I will be getting my 2nd Aquarium which will be the Aqua One Aquanano 60(60Wx40Dx47H 100 litres) It will be planted quite heavily with Dwarf Hairgrass for the foreground, Cryptocorynes for the midground and backgorund along with Vallesneria for the background as well. My scape will contain bogwood and large rocks/stones. The substrate will be sand with a layer of Tropica Plant Substrate underneath along with Co2 running. I want to stock it as the following:
6 Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish, They will hopefully take up the top section of the aquarium.
10 Cardinal Tetras or Green Neon Tetras, which one of these speices do you recommend and why?
A super red or starlight bristlenose pleco, probably just the one because I don't think the aquarium would support two and I couldn't get a sexed pair because I would be buying it when it's only 2 inches big. hopefully this would inhabit the bottom of the aquarium
I would like to add a pair of german blue rams when the tank is mature enough(6 months+) because I like german blue rams and I do know they are hard to keep because they are very sensitive
Any recommendations/advice would be taken gratefully
6 Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish, They will hopefully take up the top section of the aquarium.
10 Cardinal Tetras or Green Neon Tetras, which one of these speices do you recommend and why?
A super red or starlight bristlenose pleco, probably just the one because I don't think the aquarium would support two and I couldn't get a sexed pair because I would be buying it when it's only 2 inches big. hopefully this would inhabit the bottom of the aquarium
I would like to add a pair of german blue rams when the tank is mature enough(6 months+) because I like german blue rams and I do know they are hard to keep because they are very sensitive
Any recommendations/advice would be taken gratefully