Stocking 55 Gallon Tigers N' More


New Member
Nov 30, 2013
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Im not new to fish keeping but have never had a community tank cichlids only. I have a 55 gallon with a magnum 350 canister filter. I have always wanted tiger barbs so I started this tank for them I now have 5 tigers and 5 green tigers. I also have a bn pleco, 5 narrow wedge rasboras, and 5 Odessa barbs. All around an inch long. I plan on getting 5 our 6 glass catfish. I know most people say more tiger barbs but i'm looking for multiple species as i've never been able to have this before. i'm just wondering what else if any I should keep in here. Maybe a big bright centerpiece fish of some kind? Idk just looking for suggestions thanks everyone.
I have borne cory cats and a pair of Bolivian rams in my 55g with my tigers. So far it is working. I'm also looking for a few other large fish to out in there

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