Stocking 5 Gal

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Mar 26, 2013
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Hi guys,
Recently my betta, Sushi just died so now I have an open 5 gal tank.
I was thinking about making a snail tank and was wondering how many snails I could put in a 5 gallon without them being on top of each other?
Also, any other tips would be appreciated!
ncguppy830 said:
well snails dont add to the bioload so...
Snails (and shrimp) do add to the bio load, just not a whole heap. I think it's something like 10 nerite snails has the same bio load as a guppy or something like that.

It would depend on the species of snails to how much you could have.
well thats what i meant, i mean its not like they would add like 20 of them, sorry i should have been more specific.
How do you know he wouldn't though? :p Not saying he would never know =o I wonder how much the snails in my 55g are adding to the bioload, much too many to count in there..
ncguppy830 said:
well thats what i meant, i mean its not like they would add like 20 of them, sorry i should have been more specific.
It's fine. I was just making sure the OP knew that snails do have some bioload so if he was to add a heap, he would see some nitrate being produced :) 
HM... for nerites about 5 per gallon. Ramshorn 10 per gallon and Mystery about 3 Per gallon
For mystery snails that get quite large (golfball size full grown) and do produce a big amount of waste (these snails do produce a big bioload), I would stick with 2 for a 5 gallon tank.
Thanks For all the responses!
I decided to put 5 Horned Nerites and 3 Mystery Snails.
Enjoy your snails, remember to post some pics~
Mystery snails can be a mystery.Make sure you have a lid as they can crawl out and get lost like a mystery.The reason they go out of the water is to lay their eggs.

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