Stocking 20 Gallon Tank Live Plants And Fish


Mostly New Member
Jan 19, 2014
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If you have an answer for any of the questions in this post that would be awesome.
So I have a 20 gallon tank that i started three weeks ago and theses fish so far: Bleeding Heart Tetra, male Long Fin Danio, male Danio, Black Khuli Loach, male Cobra Guppy, Ghost Cat Fish, Cory Catfish 4 x male Endlers Live Bearers, 4 x Ghost Shrimp. I also have Dwarf Hair Grass and two background plants that are smaller
The Endlers wont lay off the Guppy (I don't know if its fighting or chasing yet). I'm thinking i switch one male Endler out for a female one so they pay attention to her now. Will that work? What should I do if not?
The Loach just stays in the corner by his lonesome behind a plant but you can still see him because the plant isn't that big but he wont change spots. I'm thinking I get two more which will promote activity and keep the bottom clear. Will that work? What should I do if not? 
I tried to capture a sort of Zen Garden look with my aquarium so I COULD put in a Buddha guy to hide the Loach instead of getting two more (but I want them so they will clean the bottom). Or i could get rid of the Cory Cat fish in order to get the extra two loaches if people thought i would be overcrowding my tank.
I also plan on getting two neon tetras (one female, one male). 
I have had perfect water tests so far and I have been using bacteria supplement and CO2 supplement for the plants. 
If I cleaned my tank often enough could i support all these fish? 
Also, If i bought a 30 gallon filter (and put a pantyhose over it just in case the Endlers or Tetras breed) would that make it easier on myself?
Should i even bother with breeding when I have so many fish? 
Is there anything else I could do for the DHG that wouldn't surpass a student's budget?
I wouldn't switch in a female as she'd just get the same harassment if not more. I could be wrong though as I havn't kept endlers or guppies. I do know the ratio is 1M:2F though for livebearers.
The loach is hiding about because it is a schooling fish, meaning you want to keep it in groups of 6+.
3 is definitely better than just 1 but it's still not ideal.
Adding another decoration instead of giving it more companions is not solving anything.
Loaches are not meant for cleaning anything...they require their own food.
The cories also need to be in groups of 6+, so I would choose one or the other.
These also will not clean your tank (just pointing it out as some people seem to think that about cories), and need their own food just like the loaches.
What do you mean by perfect water tests? Can you give an exact reading? Are you using liquid tests or strips?
Did you cycle the tank? It sounds like you didn't but I could easily be wrong. If you don't know what cycling is there is a lovely article at the top of the page.
The danios, bleeding heart tetra, and neon tetra are also schooling fish and need groups of their own kind in numbers of 6+.
I would choose one of the schoolers, and one of the bottom-dwellers that you like the most, then re-home the others.
You can buy a bit of sponge to put over the filter intake, would look better than pantyhose, though the pantyhose can work as well.
I'm sorry if any of that sounds harsh or rude but it is something you should know about. 
to the forum btw!
i cycled the tank for two weeks and had pet smart check my water before getting fish both times. I know i should be sticking to one fish but im just a student and dont have the money for multiple tanks so I guess ill pick my favorites and switch some males for females. Can you fit 6 loach on a tank?
What did you do in these two weeks? Did you add ammonia? If not then the tank was just sitting there.
You can do 6 khuli loaches, yes. :) What do you think you're going to choose for your mid-level fish?
Also just realized what I wrote sounded off..saying to choose one of the schoolers (referring to mid level) and one of the bottom-dwellers, when they are all schoolers.
What I meant to say was pick a bottom-dweller and a mid-level ^^' Sorry if that just made it even more confusing, just wanted to correct myself.
In the two weeks i add plants and water conditioner and recently i added bacteria supplement because i got 7 new fish.
I have a Bleeding Heart Tetra, male Long Fin Danio, male Danio, Black Khuli Loach, male Cobra Guppy, Ghost Cat Fish, Cory Catfish 4 x male Endlers Live Bearers, 4 x Ghost Shrimp. I also have Dwarf Hair Grass and two background plants that are smaller
Im thinking I take out the cobra guppy because it is getting bullied and take out the cory cat and add loaches.
Can I still have 6 loaches with all those fish? I only have a 20 gallon and i would like to add neon tetras at least 5
The tank probably isn't cycled then so I'd keep an eye on your water parameters.
I'd take out the bleeding heart tetra, male long fin danio, male danio, cories, cobra guppy, ghost catfish.
Then you can have a school of the khuli loaches & neon tetras, and the endlers & ghost shrimp. :)
I have a Bleeding Heart Tetra, male Long Fin Danio, male Danio, Black Khuli Loach, male Cobra Guppy, Ghost Cat Fish, Cory Catfish 4 x male Endlers Live Bearers, 4 x Ghost Shrimp
I would take back/rehome the bleeding heart, both of the danios, the ghost catfish, the cory catfish, and the guppy.    
I would then get at least 5 more khuli loaches.
At this point you could add a school of around 6 neon tetras.
Your tank is not cycled with the way you set up the tank so really before you add anymore fish to this tank, you need to cycle it.
i really like your guys ideas and what further do i do for cycling? I want to do what you both mentioned but I just thought i could keep the danios and bleeding heart because they are supposed to get along with neons. Also i must have the ghost catfish cause its so cool. Can I please keep?
How bout this?
2 danios
6 neon tetras
4 loaches
6 endlers live bearers
4 ghost shrimp 
1 ghost catfish

Read this about your ghost catfish. I always tell beginners that fish keeping is not like collecting stamps or if yes than every stamp its own tank please
In a small tank like yours you can keep 1-3 species. This will usually be a group of bottom dwellers, one group of mid water fish and a "center piece" species. There is nothing wrong in having only one species in a tank. If you have more fish of a single species you will be able to observe much more interesting behaviour also the coloration is usually better because they fight for their position in the hirarchy. And if you are lucky your fish might even breed.
Tell us about your water parameters: pH, hardness, temp?
I would not recommend neon or cardinal tetra as they are pretty but otherwise the most boring fish there is if kept in such small numbers. They only show their full potential in huge tanks with numbers of 100+
As I've said, all of those fish need groups of 6+. Of their own kind. Not other fish. Sorry :/
I will have to disagree with Hobby on the neons being boring. I have 9 in my 20g flatback hex and absolutely adore them, they are very fun to watch. Everyone has their preferences though.
alright so ill ditch the danios and the ghost catfish
this leaves me with 
6 x endlers live bearers for the top/nearbottom
6 x neon tetra
4/5 x loaches
Are the shrimp that big of a deal?
Nope the shrimps are no deal at all. Keep them. But I have no idea how they will get along with those loaches.
Im thinking I keep the shrimp as is then have 
6 loaches
6 neon tetra 
6 endlers live bearers
How many of EACH species could I get in addition.

Sidenote: I still need help with the DHG
I have a 20 gallon and my temp is 73-80 range the ph is 7 and idk harness
you guys are all awesome btw I felt like the pet store dude was totally keeping me in the dark

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