Stingray Tank


New Member
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
Tri-Lakes Area,NY
Hi I know that I already that we talked about stingrays. But would it be possible to put discus in with motoros? Im getting a 300(96 by 30 by 25 or a 375(96 by 36 by 25). First what would be better. the 300 gallon is 900 and the 375 gallon is 1400 or I could do a custom like 96 by 32 by 25 which would be around 1000. What would be the best choice money wise and would be comfortable for around 4 rays? I really want to put discus and rays and maybe a freshwater eel or something and thats it. It would have a very fine gravel bed and drift wood.
As for tanks bigger is always better for stingrays, always buy the largest you can afford and accomidate.

Tankmates are hit and miss, they might be fine with discus but on the other hand they might ambush them while they sleap and eat thm, or just pick their eyes out, it all depends on the ray. I have a big female motoro that decided to eat another smaller ray even though they had been kept together for months even before i owned them.

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