Still flashing after treatment

So some good news guys. I treated yesterday with Prazipro for flukes and the fish have stopped flashing. They are still breathing a bit rapidly but I'm thinking they are on the mend. I've also turned the lights off and raised the temp to 86. Cross your fingers I'm treating the right disease ?
So some good news guys. I treated yesterday with Prazipro for flukes and the fish have stopped flashing. They are still breathing a bit rapidly but I'm thinking they are on the mend. I've also turned the lights off and raised the temp to 86. Cross your fingers I'm treating the right disease ?

That's good.

Take note that you have to shake the Prazipro well as it's hard to dissolve.
Usually, I will put slightly higher dosage than the instruction given.
And for severe cases, I will doze once every 3-4 days or twice a week.(one in the mid week and another dose after my weekly water change).

You may have to treat them for 1 - 1.5 month as the gill flukes can lay dormant for a long time.
According to some, the eggs may hatch only after some time.
From my experience, I find that the flukes won't totally die off totally when I medicated my tank for 1 month.
And each time the flukes returned, they became immune to the medication.

I used many types of medications [ Praziquantel, Sterazin(Waterlife), Anti-Parasite, Slime, Velvet (Interpret) ] but I didn't succeed in eradicating them from my tank.
I almost wanted to close down all my tanks as I had too many fish that died.

In the end, I only succeeded after using Flubendazole(Wormer Plus) for 3 months straight/continuously.
But there are some people who didn't succeed even when they used Flubendazole.

Hopefully, the Praziquantel can kill the parasites that caused the Whirling disease.
There is a possibility that the flukes infection in their gill may cause the fish to circle around as it caused them much irritation in their gills.(my opinion only).

I listed down some information and medications for your reference.

Gill Flukes & Treatments:

Flubendazole (NT Lab):

Flubendazole/Wormer Plus:

Anti-Parasite, Slime, Velvet (Interpret):

Sterazin(Waterlife) :
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That's good.

Take note that you have to shake the Prazipro well as it's hard to dissolve.
Usually, I will put slightly higher dosage than the instruction given.
And for severe cases, I will doze once every 3-4 days or twice a week.(one in the mid week and another dose after my weekly water change).

You may have to treat them for 1 - 1.5 month as the gill flukes can lay dormant for a long time.
According to some, the eggs may hatch only after some time.
From my experience, I find that the flukes won't totally die off totally when I medicated my tank for 1 month.
And each time the flukes returned, they became immune to the medication.

I used many types of medications [ Praziquantel, Sterazin(Waterlife), Anti-Parasite, Slime, Velvet (Interpret) ] but I didn't succeed in eradicating them from my tank.
I almost wanted to close down all my tanks as I had too many fish that died.

In the end, I only succeeded after using Flubendazole(Wormer Plus) for 3 months straight/continuously.
But there are some people who didn't succeed even when they used Flubendazole.

Hopefully, the Praziquantel can kill the parasites that caused the Whirling disease.
There is a possibility that the flukes infection in their gill may cause the fish to circle around as it caused them much irritation in their gills.(my opinion only).

I listed down some information and medications for your reference.

Gill Flukes & Treatments:

Flubendazole (NT Lab):

Flubendazole/Wormer Plus:

Anti-Parasite, Slime, Velvet (Interpret):

Sterazin(Waterlife) :
Thank you so much for all the great info. I'm thinking of dosing once a week because I have a Bristlenose pleco and have been told Prazipro can be irritating to scaleless fish. What are your thoughts on that? I don't want to dose to much where I make the pleco sick.
Also, how long should I keep the heat up and lights off? I don't want to kill my plants but if I have to to save my fish I will.
Thank you so much for all the great info. I'm thinking of dosing once a week because I have a Bristlenose pleco and have been told Prazipro can be irritating to scaleless fish. What are your thoughts on that? I don't want to dose to much where I make the pleco sick.
Also, how long should I keep the heat up and lights off? I don't want to kill my plants but if I have to to save my fish I will.

Actually Prazi is safe but I have no idea of the effect on Pleco.
You can dose once a week if you think that it will irritate the fish.

I dose twice a week because the flukes eggs will hatch about every 3-4 or 4-5 days.
And I find that Prazi loses its effectiveness quite fast even though the instruction given is that it will last for about 7 days. I hope the instruction given is reliable.
Also, Prazi is hard to dissolve. It tends to sink to the bottom of the bottle.
And you can't get the right dosage if you don't shake the bottle well.

The heat is to speed up the flukes cycles but it's not really necessary if your temperature is at about 27-28C (80-82F). Just set your temperature to about 80-82F is enough.

Fluke treatment may take quite long as the eggs don't hatch immediately.
It can be a long battle.

Also, some flukes can hide inside the fish gills. When the fish gill is infected, it will produce much mucuos that may prevent the Prazi from reaching to the flukes.
Also, according to a fish breeder, the flukes can hide under the fish slime and the slime protect the flukes from the medication.
So, sometimes it can be hard to kill the flukes completely.
Most fish can be carriers of flukes.
Some bottom level fish like Pleco can be more resilient to flukes.
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Thank you so much for all the great info. I'm thinking of dosing once a week because I have a Bristlenose pleco and have been told Prazipro can be irritating to scaleless fish. What are your thoughts on that? I don't want to dose to much where I make the pleco sick.
Also, how long should I keep the heat up and lights off? I don't want to kill my plants but if I have to to save my fish I will.
I wouldn't increase heat while you're also using this medication. The heat will cause some stress, the medicine will also cause some stress, and there's no need to increase stress by doing both at once, especially since you don't appear to have white spot (ich). One singular white spot, like in your video, isn't ich. If it were ich, all of your fish would be covered in lots of tiny white dots by now.

So leave the temp as it usually is, or gradually reduce it every couple of hours until it's back to normal if you've already increased it, and stick with the prazipro for now. You don't want to put too much stress on your fish at once, going through being medicated plus fighting the illness is enough stress for now.

I understand wanting to try everything, since you're probably sick of this already, but one treatment at a time is best for the fish :)
Sorry I didn't answer the ph question. The ph is always a steady 7.6 and all other water parameters are in normal ranges.
Just did 2nd dose of Prazipro yesterday. The flashing has completely stopped, the white spots have disappeared, my pleco has come out of hiding, Gouramis are swimming back at the top of the tank.
All is good in Fish World
Thanks for all the great advice.

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