Sticking at it - water update!

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Rory the cat

Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2004
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Just wanted to update you all about the varying water crises I have been posting about on here for the past 2 months.

Just wanted to thank everyone for their patience, support and advice. I have finally got the water in both my tanks to 0 amm, 0 nitrite and 10 - 20 nitrate. It's held at these levels for over a week now and I am now back to 2 10% changes weekly, rather than the nightly (or twice nightly) changes of the last few months.

I've only been able to do this through the great advice I have had on here :thumbs:

To beginners - it does get better, honest. There were times when I was so upset I wanted to jack it all in, but now I feel a real sense of achievement and it all seems worth it.

I am sure I'll have peaks and troughs, but at least I feel like I have gotten somewhere at last. :nod:

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