Starting A Planted Nano Tank


May 16, 2012
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Hi all.

I've been wanting to start a nano tank for a while.

I've read the planted resource and watched youtube videos.
I would like some confirmation about what I have read and seen.
Feel free to add comments or correct me. :)

I plan to grow anubias, hairgrass, moss and something a bit more difficult. I also saw this plant that was similar to vallis but on a smaller scale. Anyone know what this could be?

I've got the aquanano 30. 22L. 9W PL light.
The light has been enough to grow moss and anubias but is only keeping other plants alive. I think with the proper set up e.g. CO2, substrates and ferts, it should be all good.

Anyway, this is what I was thinking of doing: (The tank will be emptied as it's already been running.)

1. Spread white powder on the glass bottom of the tank. - What is the white powder and is this necessary?

2. Add Aquarium plant substrate.

3. Hardscape - Either stone or bog wood. Undecided yet.

4. Fill the tank slightly. Add plants.

5. Fill tank, add water treatment, ferts and additives. Add equipment such as heater, thermometer, CO2 system, filter sponge(which has bacteria).

To buy:

-Planting tongs (Curved or Straight. What is each for?)

-Aquarium scissors (Again, Curved or Straight? What's the purpose of each?)

-Plant substrate. - What do you recommend? I was thinking of using

-For CO2 systems, I was thinking of using this
I'm not big on DIY even if it is easy. So would this do? It comes with CO2 Canister, Diffuser, Non return valve and some tubing. I will move on to the Fluval CO2 Mini Kit or something similar later on. This is just cheap for now.

Do I need anything else? I don't know much about brands or what additives and ferts are good.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks for reading.

Feel free to recommend plants. Tank is 30x30x30
The plant your looking for is probably dwarf saggitaria.

Forget the white powder it's not necessary.

For hardscape sometimes a mix of both is good, check out redmoor wood, mini landscape and dragon rock.

The tongs your after, have a look in planted chit chat at the top, there is an offer from our planted sponsor on tools.

Substrate wise that's good stuff along with colombo florabase, sorry one of my favourites.

The CO2 kit will probably run out in no time. :(

What's ferts are you going for, an all in one like neutro+ or tpn+?
Thanks for the identification!

Okay to the powder and okay to the hardscape notes. :)

I wish I had the money for that nice set, but I don't quite yet. :/ But I'm taking it as curved tongs and straight scissors are recommended for general planting and pruning?

No apologies needed! I've seen your work, I trust your word! :L Do you mix the it or layer it?

Yes I read some reviews, I may just buy it and use it for a month or 2 while I research and then buy a better kit.

And ferts/additives wise, I have no idea. I'll have a read about them but a reply is always welcome. Easier to understand IMO. All in one sounds like a cheaper and easier option though.

Thank you for your fast reply.

Might have to borrow some money for that kit, it's looking nice!
Straight tweezers are my fav for planting and curved scissors for trimming.

Colombo florabase goes straight in and you dont have to do anything to it.

With the ferts I find aqua essentials neutro + is best value for money really.

Make sure if your silent cycling the tank using the ammonia from the substrate that you do daily water changes for the first week then drop it down to every other day and keep dropping till you get to weekly. :)

Okay thank you for all the information! :) I feel much better about starting a planted tank.

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