My molly had 1 or 2 babies on friday and then nothing until sunday evening when she had 6 fry that we managed to save. She still looks really big and her gravid spot is really dark. Is it normal for her to drop over a number of days?
My Molly had 12 over 4 days that I know about but she had other problems and died if you put some pics up then the more experienced people on here might be able to help you more
A split like that in a drop is quite unusual random919. I would not count on another split from that same female during the same drop. I am sure that anything at all is possible but probabilities are vanishingly small for success using that interpretation. I would set things up for her to produce he next drop in 4 to 6 weeks instead.
shes just had another 1 today. and still looks big. she has had 7 that we know of or that they haven't eaten! its like she is having them once every 2 days