Spots On My Platy


New Member
Aug 27, 2012
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Hey guys.

I've been fighting something in my Tank for about a month now. Thought it was Ich, nuked it pretty hard, changed the filter, new charged carbon, etc.

Now it looks like one of my Sunburst Platys has it.

Here's a link to a picture of him. Shy of removing him with the net and taking a picture, I think this is the best I can do for you guys.

He doesn't show loss of appetite or anything, does his usual hiding in the decorations when he's not being fed, and usual laps around the tank.

Tank mates include 4 other Platys, a Gourami, 3 Sailfins, and 6 Cory Cats.

I had heard that removing the fish with the net and letting them toss around a bit to remove whats on their skin 'Helps' but I have yet to try it, figured I'd ask here first.

Any advice would be very welcomed at this point. Cheers!


Tank size: 37g
pH: Safe
ammonia: Safe
nitrite: Safe
nitrate: Safe
tank temp: 82f

Edit again-

Got better pics. :)
Hi Dan

What did you 'nuke' the ?ich with first?

Hey Glo,

I used Super Ich Cure, waited 48H, did a 25% water change, added new carbon, second treatment as advised.

Tossed the old carbon before using the ich treatment. Also replaced the filter after the first treatment.

Tank temp has been around 82-84 the whole time. About the only thing I haven't done is aquarium salt.
It looks like ich to me, I have a similar problem with one of my rainbow cichlids. Ich can be very difficult to irradicate as you probably know. If you have no scaleless fish in your tank ie loaches or catfish etc then the salt treatment with raised temperature is the next route to try.

I have tried several meds but none of them worked, even tried combined EsHa 2000 with Esha whitespot treatment for prolonged time as recommended on the box insert.

I'm currently trying UV filter treatment.

Have you read the pinned section in the emergency forum? In the A-Z of fish diseases/treatments.

Good luck with the platy


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