Sparkling Gourami And Ember Tetra Compatibility


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2008
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Any thoughts on 1m, 3f sparkling gouramis and 12 ember tetras in a 20gallon tank?  Would the embers nip the gouramis? Would the gouramis be territorial (and the embers take any of the brunt).  
If this would work, would there be space for a clean up crew? What would you recommend?
This is just an idea - I don't yet have a tank this size.
I have chocolate gourami's and ember tetras in my 33g. They completely ignore each other. Not sure on the temperament of sparklers though. But embers don't bother any of my fish.
Elrohirthehasty said:
Any thoughts on 1m, 3f sparkling gouramis and 12 ember tetras in a 20gallon tank?  Would the embers nip the gouramis? Would the gouramis be territorial (and the embers take any of the brunt).  
If this would work, would there be space for a clean up crew? What would you recommend?
This is just an idea - I don't yet have a tank this size.
Telling male from female in Sparklers is almost impossible so I wouldn't aim for 1m and 3f as you most likely wouldn't get one male and three females. I have 4 in my tank(need to get more as they prefer bigger groups like tetra's and such) and I cannot tell male from female no matter how hard I look.
It should work as Sparklers are more mid-bottom dwellers than mid-top like Tetra's. Sparklers are peaceful as anything. Mine never bother anyone. They have scraps between each other but only over territory and no-one get's hurt. They just circle and flash their fins at each other :) Yes I'd get a CUC like Pygmy Corys or such :)
Here's a picture of mine displaying over territory. They do this till one or the other backs down.
I had trouble with my sparklers also, started off with 5 in a 54 litre, then down to 3 but were extremely territorial.

I also had neon green rasbora but that didn't work. In the end I returned them after 6 months of trying and totally restocked the tank.

MBOU can certainly give you some pointers on differentiating sexes of sparklers, PM her, good luck :)
Shelster said:
I had trouble with my sparklers also, started off with 5 in a 54 litre, then down to 3 but were extremely territorial.

I also had neon green rasbora but that didn't work. In the end I returned them after 6 months of trying and totally restocked the tank.

MBOU can certainly give you some pointers on differentiating sexes of sparklers, PM her, good luck
I've read all the "tell tale signs" and "differences" between the sexes and there is no difference :/
Sparklers aren't territorial if in a big enough group and with enough hiding spots :)
I may have needed a bigger tank, as mine was only a 54 litre - although I did have lots of hiding places, a shame as I love the look of them :(
Shelster said:
I may have needed a bigger tank, as mine was only a 54 litre - although I did have lots of hiding places, a shame as I love the look of them
Mine an 87 litre tank but not the best for hiding places right now as it's a disaster zone for plants right now. I'm having balance issues with the lighting and such because I keep getting hair algae and it's destroying my plants.
I have 4 sparklers in a 10 gallon (38L) never had an issue with aggression between them and other fish. My current four have been spawning regularly since about a week after I got them.
All good to know.
So maybe in this theoretical 20 gallon:
6 sparkling gourami
12 ember tetras
5 pygmy cories
Hopefully big enough for the sometimes territorial males gouramis.
Sparklers are social gouramis. They are slightly territorial but not very much especially if you have plants and decor to break up line of site. They love floating plants, mine specifically are very fond of brazilian pennywort. Offer them some live or frozen foods a couple times a week and they will be ace. Also keep an ear tuned for the chirping sounds they make. I can hear mine pretty regularly and they are in the other room.
Ha, yeah my friend had him in his bedroom and they kept him up at night sometimes.

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