Sp Black Corydoras


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
yorkshire hull
i have 6 sp black corydoras for sale
for £20+£10 delivery the corydoras you will recive will be 1cm-2cm and i always put a few in extra.
this is my last lot before christmas im sending out, so grab a bargain as they go for £6 each
they are sent in a insulated box packed with newspaper double baged and a heat pack

if intrested pm me
regards dave :good:
Nice. Can i please have a pic?( i wont buy any, live across the world, but i WANNA see them!)

so why do you want to see pics then ?
dont hijack my thread iv sold loads to allot ov members on here in the uk and there all happy with them
if you want to boost your rateings up do it some were else ie in the other for sale section :angry:

Im not too sure that was an attempt to hijack your thread, just as a general curiousity..

Good luck with your sale anyway!

I hope you dont construe this as an attempt to hijack..

this really gets on my nerves
you always get 1 who trys to hijack your post ill show a pic to any one from the uk
who wants to see one

id like to see a pic. tho having said that im looking to increase my corys numbers and have never seen black ones. i would deffo be interested in some of the batch at the end of january if i like the look of em .
i can put pics up ov the pairents
but not ov the ones im selling only the ones iv breed in the past as my cam doesnt do close ups they ture out blury
but ure quite welcome to to pm
chesterscot , pippoodle, weisel, ~T~,,, wich have bought off me already and rocknurworld2006 and saz326 are reciving theres tomorrow
or see the other black corydoras i was selling about 2 weeks ago im my topics they have pics :good:
i like the look of those. finances dont permit it before xmas due to lack of work butt will be in touch in the new year for around 6 of them
no worry mark
ill pm you when i have the next lot for sale i always say 6 for sale but put no less than 8-10 in
there keep really healthy and get fed 4 times aday on top quallity food and i do 25% water changes twice dayly

regards dave
forgot to mention mark iv just had a spawning ov sterbia corydoras aswell 2day so hopefully
will have some for sale around the same time


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