SomethingsFishy24 - April 2022 Fish of the Month Winner (Cichlids)


TFF Contest Czar
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
We have a winner in
April 2022 Fish
of the Month Contest
We had 8 awesome Cichlids entered in this month's FOTM contest but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's their winning entry and its description

Heros sp. Rotkeil
Age: 10 months old
Tank mates: Gold and Green Severum, Parrot fish, Firemouth juvies, Albino and Lemon BN, Electric Blue Acara and a shoal of Cherry barbs.
Tank Size: 150 gallon
Name: Scout

Unique Traits: Gets the "zoomies" at feeding time. Will inspect my cleaning capabilities and will "supervise" to make sure I vacuum enough. Very social, will be front and center for anyone who comes up to the tank.

Feeding: Gets a broad variety. Loves blanched Spinach, zuccini, brine shrimp, blood worms, Rapashi, cichlid pellets, bug bites and steals vege chips from BN.

I have a special place in my heart for Sevs, they are so big and lovely, rather calm and gentle for a Cichlid even with their own species. I love my fish fillets.🤣
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Congrats to @SomethingsFishy24 for their strikingly beautiful Rotkeil Cichlid. Great looking fish and great photo. Well deserved win.
Coming in second place is @AquaBarb with his male Thorichthys Ellioti Cichlid. What a very colorful beautiful Cichlid you have there. Great photo too.
And coming in 3rd place is @betta4ever! with their Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi Cichlid. Great photo and awesome Cichlid.

We had some top notch Cichlids entered in this month's contest. The competition was very high. Thanks to all who participated in this contest.

Right now, we are accepting entries for our Tank of the Month contest which will feature tanks sized at 31 US Gallons and larger. If you have a tank of that size, we hope you enter the contest. Link to entry thread is below:
Our Pet of the Month contest will start accepting entries in mid May. Hope we get lots of entries.
Thank you everyone! It truly means a lot! There were a lot of beautiful and unique entries, didn't think my "baby fish" would be much compared to some of those mature fish in full color. Thank you all again, this made my day!🥰
Congrats. Beautiful photo of gorgeous fish and setup. Well deserved!
Congratulations SomethingsFishy24... :yahoo:
Well done! :good:

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