Hi all. I need another pair of eyes and some thoughts please.
Somethings not right in my tank but I can't pin point anything necessarily as wrong.
All my cories are spinning in the sand, it's like they are really irritated by something but I can't see anything wrong with them. No obvious signs of parasites and I've not added anything new that hasn't been quarantined. This has been something new over the last week - 10 days.
I've done a full water test and all that looks off is my pH - it's dropped to 4.5 but that shouldn't be affecting my all SA fish surely? The reason for the drop will be because I removed the crushed coral from filter to make more room for my phosphate remover but I'm about to open my filter and put it back, even if that means sacrificing some of my ceramic media.
Ammonia is zero, as is nitrite. Nitrate is between 20 and 40. Phosphate is higher than I'd like at about 1.6 so as I'm opening a filter to replace the coral I'll change out my po4 remover at the same time.
I also had a dead harlequin this morning with no signs of illness before hand. It's all a bit odd.
Could this dramaticly low pH be to blame? My tap pH is about 7.4 so a water change could help it back up along with the coral and that's my aim for the rest of today
Thoughts please
Somethings not right in my tank but I can't pin point anything necessarily as wrong.
All my cories are spinning in the sand, it's like they are really irritated by something but I can't see anything wrong with them. No obvious signs of parasites and I've not added anything new that hasn't been quarantined. This has been something new over the last week - 10 days.
I've done a full water test and all that looks off is my pH - it's dropped to 4.5 but that shouldn't be affecting my all SA fish surely? The reason for the drop will be because I removed the crushed coral from filter to make more room for my phosphate remover but I'm about to open my filter and put it back, even if that means sacrificing some of my ceramic media.
Ammonia is zero, as is nitrite. Nitrate is between 20 and 40. Phosphate is higher than I'd like at about 1.6 so as I'm opening a filter to replace the coral I'll change out my po4 remover at the same time.
I also had a dead harlequin this morning with no signs of illness before hand. It's all a bit odd.
Could this dramaticly low pH be to blame? My tap pH is about 7.4 so a water change could help it back up along with the coral and that's my aim for the rest of today
Thoughts please