I'm using 2 23w CFL daylight bulbs from Home Depot over my 20H that measures 16 inches in height. The substrate is going to be 2 inches so it's actually 14 inches.
My question is, would this be medium lighting or high lighting? Can someone please help because I'm new at planted tank and I get REALLY REALLY confused sometimes. Perhaps a Lighting wizard could help me with this.
According to Hoppy's chart, (http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/showthread.php?t=184368)
I'm getting around 175 PAR? That seems like WAY too much light.
The plants I'm trying to grow are Amazon Swords, Rotala, Ludwigia, Wisteria, Star Grass, Dwarf Sag, and Jungle Val. I really wanted to have a carpet of Glosso or Dwarf Hairgrass but I'm never going to be running CO2.
My question is, would this be medium lighting or high lighting? Can someone please help because I'm new at planted tank and I get REALLY REALLY confused sometimes. Perhaps a Lighting wizard could help me with this.
According to Hoppy's chart, (http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/showthread.php?t=184368)
I'm getting around 175 PAR? That seems like WAY too much light.
The plants I'm trying to grow are Amazon Swords, Rotala, Ludwigia, Wisteria, Star Grass, Dwarf Sag, and Jungle Val. I really wanted to have a carpet of Glosso or Dwarf Hairgrass but I'm never going to be running CO2.