Fish Fanatic
Not sure if it's the right forum etiquette to start another topic, please yell at me if need be, but I just took some pics of my Bettas (now that I can resize) so you could see a few of them......
This is my "ham" he loves to be photographed...he was a walmart rescue and he has some personality!
This is my imported white male...he is making bubble nests and is going to be my next fry
A view of one of my sorority tanks, had to put a divider (its a 10 gal) because my imported white female is super aggressive, and wanted to fight my girls!
This is my imported white male...he is making bubble nests and is going to be my next fry
A view of one of my sorority tanks, had to put a divider (its a 10 gal) because my imported white female is super aggressive, and wanted to fight my girls!