So, I have an aquarium with 5 Corydoras Trilineatus. I've had them for maybe 8 months now, and I think I can safely say that they're some very hardy ones.
Here are some bullet points for all information I think is relevant.
-30 gallons (3'H x 1'W x 18"H)
-Play sand substrate
--Malaysian burrowing snails made the surface of the substrate gravel, with sand underneath. Thinking of removing larger pebbles from sand, or putting new sand in.
-Recent algae/plant die-off
-Water parameters should be a little uncomfortable for the corydoras
-Behavior is mostly normal. They eat, they rest, they scavenge, and they play
-Occasionally scratching themselves on the gravel, usually on the side
-Barbels on 2/5 are worn, barbels on 1 are gone. 2 are just fine
-Resting at 30°-80° angles on the gravel (the ones with injured barbels) Illustration: http
-the 2/5 with worn barbels are female. Other 3 are male.
-1 Female has been plump for a while. The other was somewhat thin from having laid but has plumped up a lot this last week (this is due to feeding less attempting to kill off algae & postpone egg-laying. It worked. I've returned to feeding them well.)
-Plumpest female occasionally clamps (very loosely) her dorsal fin
Water parameters:
PH: ~8.0
Ammonia: ~0.25 ppm
Nitrite: ~0.1 ppm
Nitrate: ~8 ppm
Temperature: Trying to keep it at 72ºF, but has dropped regularly to 64ºF at times due to weather. I wish I could get it to 75º-78ºF and stabilize it, but I think it needs a different heater.
No clue what the KH is, but I don't have any reason to think it's terribly abnormal.
The likeliness of the corydoras scratching due to parasites is very slim. No other signs, no problems with other fish, and it's been going on for a few weeks.
Would I be correct to assume that the abnormal behavior is the result of the water parameters? Should I make the surface sandier again? Their barbels were fine until a couple weeks ago. The sand sifted down months ago. If the parameters are set straight, will the corydoras stop scratching and resting abnormally? I'm thinking the barbels being cut is a result of them scratching due to parameter issues.
About to do a decent sized water change, including some RO water, to bring PH down and get ammonia/nitrite down. Recently lost a lot of my beneficial bacteria due to scrubbing my bogwood to kill Black Brush Algae, and had a spike due to plants & algae dying.
Here are some bullet points for all information I think is relevant.
-30 gallons (3'H x 1'W x 18"H)
-Play sand substrate
--Malaysian burrowing snails made the surface of the substrate gravel, with sand underneath. Thinking of removing larger pebbles from sand, or putting new sand in.
-Recent algae/plant die-off
-Water parameters should be a little uncomfortable for the corydoras
-Behavior is mostly normal. They eat, they rest, they scavenge, and they play
-Occasionally scratching themselves on the gravel, usually on the side
-Barbels on 2/5 are worn, barbels on 1 are gone. 2 are just fine
-Resting at 30°-80° angles on the gravel (the ones with injured barbels) Illustration: http

-the 2/5 with worn barbels are female. Other 3 are male.
-1 Female has been plump for a while. The other was somewhat thin from having laid but has plumped up a lot this last week (this is due to feeding less attempting to kill off algae & postpone egg-laying. It worked. I've returned to feeding them well.)
-Plumpest female occasionally clamps (very loosely) her dorsal fin
Water parameters:
PH: ~8.0
Ammonia: ~0.25 ppm
Nitrite: ~0.1 ppm
Nitrate: ~8 ppm
Temperature: Trying to keep it at 72ºF, but has dropped regularly to 64ºF at times due to weather. I wish I could get it to 75º-78ºF and stabilize it, but I think it needs a different heater.
No clue what the KH is, but I don't have any reason to think it's terribly abnormal.
The likeliness of the corydoras scratching due to parasites is very slim. No other signs, no problems with other fish, and it's been going on for a few weeks.
Would I be correct to assume that the abnormal behavior is the result of the water parameters? Should I make the surface sandier again? Their barbels were fine until a couple weeks ago. The sand sifted down months ago. If the parameters are set straight, will the corydoras stop scratching and resting abnormally? I'm thinking the barbels being cut is a result of them scratching due to parameter issues.
About to do a decent sized water change, including some RO water, to bring PH down and get ammonia/nitrite down. Recently lost a lot of my beneficial bacteria due to scrubbing my bogwood to kill Black Brush Algae, and had a spike due to plants & algae dying.