So What Would You Do With This?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
Colchester Essex
I have just acquired a 5 foot tank, just giving it a good clean now and fixing up the cabinet.
Dimensions are 60" long, 14" wide, 18" tall.
It will have a relevant external filter, heater etc etc

So, what would you stock it with?
Im looking for ideas!
Well, the worlds your oyster. What do you like? My first choice would be discus, coryadoras with some of the more unusal tetras. Not too many fish to keep 8 to 10 discus the focal point in a fully planted, aquascaped with wood only set-up. Another interesting option would be to fill the rear with rock work, maybe tufa, and have a malawi only tank.
What's your water like, OP?

No point us recommending discus if your water's like liquid rock!
Discus would be a no go here unfortuneatly. Our water is hard here, and im not prepared to do much about that if im honest. Perhaps i should also mention i already have fine black gravel i was going to put to good use (along with black background). And i have been given a mass of some really lovely bogwood, though it does still seem lost in this size tank!

Liking the south american idea.
Most South American fish like soft water though :/

How about a big shoal of rainbow fish? Odessa barbs? Malawis would be a good choice if your water's really hard, or Tanganyikian.
But with tank bred fish and/or fish aclimatised to local water, am i really going to have any problems keeping all but a few fish (i.e discus) despite water hardness? I wouldnt have thought so?
You won't have problems with a lot of fish but some will have shortened lifespans, or not show their best colours. It depends what species you decide on, really; some are more sensitive than others and on how hard your water actually is.

What's your pH like?
High, perhaps 7.5? Thats just what the water is like in Essex. Most keepers and collectors seem to get by fine with most species in the county - as i said bar certain ones like discus etc
Yes, as long as you stay away from the very delicate species, like discus, rams, wild caught tetras, things like that, you should be fine :good:

How about Congo tetras? Or torpedo or filament barbs?
If you add a quantity of bogwood as decor this will lower and buffer your pH. I would get the tank set up, do a fishless cycle and then find out what you're dealing with parameter-wise.
Well funny enough i have a group of rams in a 2 foot setup at the moment, doing great and pairing up. Nonethess i get the picture. And yes, i will be adding more bog/drift wood yet, got my eye on another job lot for sale in my area.
Sounds like a great choice for a hardwater, temperate riverine tank with fish like Ilyodon xantusi; Odessa Barbs; Empire Gudgeon, Purple Spotted Gudgeon (Mogurnda adspersa, not the tropical and more common Mogurnda mogurnda); Blind Cave Tetra etc.

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