Fish Crazy
i have a 100l aquarium with 3 small shoals of fish and i have space for about 10 or so corys. While i was searching which one to get a cant make my mind up and which 2 species i should get in groups of 5.
The species i cant decide between are Peppered, sterbai, tail spot , orange Venezuelan, bandit Cory so i was wondering could i keep 2 each of the 5 species giving me 10 corys in total.
i already have 2 peppered Cory which seem very happy in a pair
The species i cant decide between are Peppered, sterbai, tail spot , orange Venezuelan, bandit Cory so i was wondering could i keep 2 each of the 5 species giving me 10 corys in total.
i already have 2 peppered Cory which seem very happy in a pair