So Am I Obsessed? O.o


New Member
Mar 19, 2013
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Rexburg, ID, USA
Hi all
So I started fish keeping in January; with two goldfish. 
A month later we got a 10 gallon. Then a month after that another 10 gallon... Then we bought a 20.... Then a 40.... Now a 75...
Yeah 4 months 5 tanks... My wife and I may have a problem
Ah, multiple tank syndrome strikes again
Yup, they call it 'mts' - multiple tank syndrome - but as long as you are giving your fish the best life they could have, why not?

At least you have a partner that shares your enthusiasm :D
Yes she really does. Of course she also is really into turtles (just got her one yesterday shh) and Fresh water Eels (have no clue where to find those) and im more into... guppies :D
Yay team guppies!  If only I had the money and space to fully indulge into my MTS...
NeonBlueLeon said:
Yay team guppies!  If only I had the money and space to fully indulge into my MTS...
if only i had the space.. I have an extra 55 with nowhere to set it up..
NeonBlueLeon said:
Yay team guppies!  If only I had the money and space to fully indulge into my MTS...
This is my same situation! lol just had to point that out :)
Perfectly normal. I had 9 tanks at one time. It's actually a sign of wise fishkeeping. We know you can only keep so many fish in a tank, only certain fish, and some fish can't live with each other. want a fish but he can't live with your other fish? Do you be cruel at buy it any way? NO!!! You be wise and get another tank just for him! You're just being a good steward.
my parents get annoyed at me as soon as i bring back another tank in total iv had  10.... various sizes max set up have been 3 and a prorogator  
I wish I could have 5 tanks! I have 3, my sister has one, and my parents have told me that i might have to get rid of one because of the electric bill going up significantly! :(
I'm surprised that with nine aquariums in my house my power bull is not through the roof. But my sister and I thought we should each get a bunch more, as we got a new house twice the size of our older one. We are, however, considering getting rid of at least three. I want to build a house out of aquariums. It would be neat until tornado season. Then I'd probably die.
Yeah I have 3 right now and a beta tank. A 55 a 5 and a 10 the ten is full of baby's. I love having more then me. But my parents always threaten to get rid of them
tcamos said:
Perfectly normal. I had 9 tanks at one time. It's actually a sign of wise fishkeeping. We know you can only keep so many fish in a tank, only certain fish, and some fish can't live with each other. want a fish but he can't live with your other fish? Do you be cruel at buy it any way? NO!!! You be wise and get another tank just for him! You're just being a good steward.
Eagles needs to read this as he has been taking the mickey out of my MTS - see eagles... I am a "wise fishkeeper" according to the Law under tcamos and he has more power than you 

Redskygrave, can you tell us more about your tanks and post some 
Are you obsessed?
I think you're asking the wrong bunch of people.......

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