Snails and fish died..


New Member
Mar 25, 2017
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We had two Zebra snails that have died, they wasn't very active at all so we have only just taken them out the tank, they hadn't moved for a few days...they stunk, like really bad when we took them out. One of our fish has just died too. We don't know what's causing this to happen, and want to do what we can to stop it happening again.

The tank has been up for about a month.

If anyone has any answers that would be great, thank you!

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Welcome to TFF. :hi:

I am only going to suggest that you provide more information so members can hopefully help. You mentioned the tank being set up a month--did you cycle it, and if so, how? What size tank? What fish (species and numbers)? Water changes? Additives? Do you have test kits, and if so, do you have results for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? The pH?

Pretty much what Byron said, we need to know more to pin point the problem.

The sounds is pretty new, so did you cycle it? (nitrogen cycle)
How big is the tank and what are the water parameters (nitrites, nitrates, pH, temp, ammonia etc)
What species of fish and how many?
Do you ever do water changes, how often and how much?

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