Small White Eggs Dotted Around Tank?


New Member
Apr 23, 2012
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My aquarium only has 1 fishy present, I installed a new light today and noticed a few smallish white eggs around 1mm in size dotted around the tank. Some inside my driftwood, and a few stuck on the window. I soaked the driftwood for a week then added it to my tank about a week ago, but have only just noticed the eggs.

I have uploaded a few pics, will be interested to see what you guys think.
Those look like snail eggs to me, but what kind of fish do you have?
I think your fish could've been pregnant. Remove the eggs into a separte tank/containor, or use a nusery. Or, if you don't feel like raising them, leave them be. Just out of curiousity, are you getting anymore fish? How bis is your tank? What kind of fish do you have in the tank?
I think your fish could've been pregnant. Remove the eggs into a separte tank/containor, or use a nusery. Or, if you don't feel like raising them, leave them be. Just out of curiousity, are you getting anymore fish? How bis is your tank? What kind of fish do you have in the tank?

My fish is about 6 months old or so, 30 gallon tank, and I shouldn't be getting anymore anytime soon.
I say leave the eggs be and let her eat them. Plus, if there's no male, the eggs won't "hatch".
Egg laying fish can't lay fertile eggs on they're own; they need a male there to fertilise them after they've been laid. They could be goldfish eggs, but it's unlikely; goldies don't 'glue' their eggs to things like that and anyway, they'll be unfertilized.
Egg laying fish can't lay fertile eggs on they're own; they need a male there to fertilise them after they've been laid. They could be goldfish eggs, but it's unlikely; goldies don't 'glue' their eggs to things like that and anyway, they'll be unfertilized.

so you reckon snail eggs? but If so how did they get on the side of the tank? I certainty have no snails.
It's easy to tell if your goldfish is a male or female. Sorry, Off topic. Just wanted to say.

Do you have any live plants in your tank? Snails sometimes come with live plants and the purchaser doesn't realize it. Then, they get a whole bunch of babies.
It's easy to tell if your goldfish is a male or female. Sorry, Off topic. Just wanted to say.

Do you have any live plants in your tank? Snails sometimes come with live plants and the purchaser doesn't realize it. Then, they get a whole bunch of babies.

yeah has a plant, but it's been there for about a month and a half and I haven't noticed anything.
Hmmmm.... could be fish eggs, but like Fluttermoth said, it could be snail eggs. How big is the plant? It's a live one, right? Are you POSSITIVE there isn't a snail anywhere in the tank??? On the plant, in the ornament, are you sure? Just leave them be. They'll disappear sooner or later. I think they're fish eggs.
They are Nerite snails eggs, you have one hideing in there some where, nothing to worry about the eggs will not hatch they need brackish water :good:

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