Small Bag Of Pool Filter Sand


Fish Fanatic
Jul 4, 2013
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Does anybody know where I could buy a 5 kgr bag of pool filter sand in the UK?
I've looked everywhere on the net but can't find anything smaller than 25 kgr bags.
If I can't find one, I'll probably go for play sand. Which (again) can't find in bags smaller than 15 kgr.
most likely at your hardware stores... in Canada that is where we have them.. should be the same. the smallest bags that we have at 40 pounds in weight... i find that if you have live plants then it is okay to have more then you need... ha
just make sure you rinse the crap out of it.. and when you think you're done do it again another 20 times lol then you'll be good to go.
Is sand for subrtrate? I always through it was advised not to use sand since it causes sigestive impactions in fish stomachs... I could be wrong and I am sure some species are good with this, but that's what I thought.
It's reptiles than can suffer from sand impaction, not fish.

In water, sand stays 'loose' and fish can easily expel it through their gills. Many fish (some cichlids, corydoras catfish) naturally feed that way.
not sure of the weight but a reasonable size of play sand is only £3 in argos.
Tim_UK said:
not sure of the weight but a reasonable size of play sand is only £3 in argos.
15kgs :)
Takes a lot of washing, but looks lovely and it's good to have some spare, as you nearly always end up losing some during your water changes/substrate cleaning!
Thank you for your replies.
I am trying to get a better colour than the one Argos has.
That's the reason I was thinking of a whit-ish type of inert sand like the pool filter sand.
Besides, the tank is really small, dimensions are 38.5cm x 25cm x 26cm (LxWxH) so even 5 kgrs is a lot.
It's going to be a shrimp/snail only tank and the Substrate Calculator says I'll be needing 3.6kgr of sand only, so 15 is an overkill really.

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