Skin disease on my angel fish


New Member
Oct 12, 2003
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I have an angel fish and a few weeks ago I noticed a small spot on his side that initially looked like a little white dot the size of a pea. It kept getting bigger and bigger and now it looks like a small cotton ball the size of a pea that sticks out away from the skin. THe spot is on his right side and his right eye is also bulging out. I believe that is Pop eye but what is the white spot on his side. The fish has been very lethargic lately.
It sounds like your angel has a wound that became infected by bacteria and now also has fungus growing on it. What I would do and if you think you can manage it would be to add a malachite green med (Quick Cure etc.) to the wound directly, dilute some in a glass of tank water first, use a hobby paint brush(new) and try to only apply it to the wound.
Then add a dose of melafix every day to the tank for 5-6 days to see if it improves.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes,


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