Skimmer modifications?

Vegas Marine

New Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hi everyone!

I recently started my first marine tank and am in the process of getting it cycled.

I purchased a Red Sea Prizm skimmer, and it is supposed to be hung on the back of the tank. Problem is, I have a corner tank, and it's in a corner... :*)

I have a closet next to the corner and have already put a canister filter in there. I used a plastic dryer vent to run the hoses through, as well as the cords for the light and heater from the tank to the inside of the closet. (If this dosen't make sense, let me know and I'll take some pics)

Soooo, here's my question: I am planning on mounting the skimmer in the closet and "plumbing" the skimmer to the tank. I want to cut the pickup off of the skimmer and run a hose from the skimmer to the tank. For the return, I plan on putting a "dam" on the outlet with a 1/2" return hose from the closet to the tank.

If I do this:
1) Will the skimmer still function properly?
2) Does the skimmer have to be mounted at EXACTALY at the tanks level, or is there enough suction to still draw water into the tank?
3) What else should I consider??? :crazy:

Seems alot fo work but i think it could be achieved. I have a prizm skimmer although i dont use it anymore and never had to make such changes like this. ONe thing i can say tough is that the skimmer is not the strongest at drawing up water so if you are going to mount the skimmer higher than the tanks surface you may well find its not strong enough to draw water up into it from the tank.
you could just buy an internal one? they are cheap and ineficient (sp?) but you could buy 2-3?
Internal ones take up alotof room. Great for sumpos etc but not so good for a main tank

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