hi i recently purchased 2 twig cats. i did my home work about them before i got them. 5 days after i got them 1 started seizing and making weird flicking motions on its side. the seizing lasted for several minutes then the fish went limp. i thought for sure it was dead. i was wrong it took almost 2 days for the poor fish to die. during these 2 days the fish layed on its side and every so often it would move to another part of the tank. when i took the dead fish out i noticed a that the top of his head was rubbed raw(or thats what it looked like.). the other twig cat i had to pry off of the dead ones body. it was eating it. i phoned the pet store and the replaced the dead one. 2 days ago the second of the original pair suffered the same thing. yesterday when i pulled it out of the tank its head looked raw and also had a large blood spot behind its eye. today i wake up turn the lights on and the replacement twig was fine an hour later its seizing as well. does any one know whats going on or has had this happen??
heres some tank info...
1 albino pleco 1.5 inches
1 bristle nose pleco 1.5 inches
1 glass cat 2 inches
1 black ghost knife fish 3 inches
i know the ghost can be aggressive but ours is not
my tank is 27 gallons
heres some tank info...
1 albino pleco 1.5 inches
1 bristle nose pleco 1.5 inches
1 glass cat 2 inches
1 black ghost knife fish 3 inches
i know the ghost can be aggressive but ours is not
my tank is 27 gallons