How many fish and which type?
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph?
What do you feed your fish, how often?
\Epson salt baths to help draw the fluids out if the fish is bloated. Don't feed any dried foods for a few days. Feed some shelled peas only.
Internal bacteria med for the popeye.
The white bulges do they look like bumps that go to a point?
Do the bumps look solid, or soft like filled with fluid?
Is the red stripe area still vibrant red?
Does the red stripe area look bleached out, patches of white, or a milky substance on the red stripe area?
Does the blue area on the neon look like a golden yellow colour?
Does the neon swim in a jerky, or odd swimming manor?
Does the fish spine looks like it's curved, or bent?
Sorry for all the question but also need to rule out NTD.
How many fish and which type? 8 neons 4 bronze corys 1 honey gourami
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph? all good ph 7.5
What do you feed your fish, how often? flake, frozen cyclops, freez dried blood worms, sinking pellets things, and algea wafers
\Epson salt baths to help draw the fluids out if the fish is bloated. Don't feed any dried foods for a few days. Feed some shelled peas only.
Internal bacteria med for the popeye.
The white bulges do they look like bumps that go to a point? it just looks fluffy
Do the bumps look solid, or soft like filled with fluid? no
Is the red stripe area still vibrant red? look more orange but the other do sometimes
Does the red stripe area look bleached out, patches of white, or a milky substance on the red stripe area? above
Does the blue area on the neon look like a golden yellow colour? no
Does the neon swim in a jerky, or odd swimming manor? no
Does the fish spine looks like it's curved, or bent? no
and it had been like this for a while as dosent NTD kill within a few days and affect them all?