Sick Looking Neon


May 8, 2012
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my neon appear to be fat and bloated his eyes are also bulging and has some white looking bulges on it left side, but no change in behavior really, it still schools and eats but sometimes sits at the back just floating but it a lot less colourful and streamlined, these were the only pic I could get though. any help would be usefull thanks.


How many fish and which type?
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph?
What do you feed your fish, how often?

\Epson salt baths to help draw the fluids out if the fish is bloated. Don't feed any dried foods for a few days. Feed some shelled peas only.
Internal bacteria med for the popeye.

The white bulges do they look like bumps that go to a point?
Do the bumps look solid, or soft like filled with fluid?
Is the red stripe area still vibrant red?
Does the red stripe area look bleached out, patches of white, or a milky substance on the red stripe area?
Does the blue area on the neon look like a golden yellow colour?
Does the neon swim in a jerky, or odd swimming manor?
Does the fish spine looks like it's curved, or bent?

Sorry for all the question but also need to rule out NTD.
How many fish and which type?
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph?
What do you feed your fish, how often?

\Epson salt baths to help draw the fluids out if the fish is bloated. Don't feed any dried foods for a few days. Feed some shelled peas only.
Internal bacteria med for the popeye.

The white bulges do they look like bumps that go to a point?
Do the bumps look solid, or soft like filled with fluid?
Is the red stripe area still vibrant red?
Does the red stripe area look bleached out, patches of white, or a milky substance on the red stripe area?
Does the blue area on the neon look like a golden yellow colour?
Does the neon swim in a jerky, or odd swimming manor?
Does the fish spine looks like it's curved, or bent?

Sorry for all the question but also need to rule out NTD.
How many fish and which type? 8 neons 4 bronze corys 1 honey gourami
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph? all good ph 7.5
What do you feed your fish, how often? flake, frozen cyclops, freez dried blood worms, sinking pellets things, and algea wafers

\Epson salt baths to help draw the fluids out if the fish is bloated. Don't feed any dried foods for a few days. Feed some shelled peas only.
Internal bacteria med for the popeye.

The white bulges do they look like bumps that go to a point? it just looks fluffy
Do the bumps look solid, or soft like filled with fluid? no
Is the red stripe area still vibrant red? look more orange but the other do sometimes
Does the red stripe area look bleached out, patches of white, or a milky substance on the red stripe area? above
Does the blue area on the neon look like a golden yellow colour? no
Does the neon swim in a jerky, or odd swimming manor? no
Does the fish spine looks like it's curved, or bent? no
and it had been like this for a while as dosent NTD kill within a few days and affect them all?
Don't over feed bloodworms as they can cause bloating. Make sure the bloodworms are soaked in tank water before feeding to fish. Same with other dried foods.

I would suggest adding anti internal bacteria med by interpet, to the tank for popeye. Or esha 2000.

The fluffy bits do they look like cotton wool balls, or just patches of cotton wool on neon?

It doesn't sound like NTD now just needed to check.
NTD can't take quite a while to kill a fish. Also not all fish will get sick at once. Other fish can start to show symptoms a few weeks later, or even longer.
Don't over feed bloodworms as they can cause bloating. Make sure the bloodworms are soaked in tank water before feeding to fish. Same with other dried foods.

I would suggest adding anti internal bacteria med by interpet, to the tank for popeye. Or esha 2000.

The fluffy bits do they look like cotton wool balls, or just patches of cotton wool on neon?

It doesn't sound like NTD now just needed to check.
NTD can't take quite a while to kill a fish. Also not all fish will get sick at once. Other fish can start to show symtoms a few weeks later, or even longer.
They only get blood worms like once every 2 weeks as I feed food every 2nd day and yes it look like cotton wool. and I never knew about soaking the bloodworms but no other fish have ever been bloated.
also will the med affect anything in my tank like plants? and will I have to do extra water changes and add carbon to remove once the fish is cured?
It sounds like columnaris, popeye.
Feed some peas to help flush the fish throw.
If the fish is extremely bloated, epsan salt baths. He doesn't look to bloated in the pic. But sometimes pics can be deceiving.

Going to suggest using esha 2000, or myxazin by waterlife.
The medications will not wipe your good bacteria out in your filter.
Just keep a close eye on water stats. If you do have to preform a water change just add the correct amount of medication back to water removed.
You will have to preform a water change, and run some new black carbon once the medication course has finished.

Not sure about the plants. If you are worried you could always remove the plants from the tank during treatment.
got some better pics as aint had tme to get meds so have just put the neon in a breeder net

you can see it looks bloated and has a white dot gowing in a cotton wool looking thing on the left side

see the white dot

what should I buy for this our should I just put the poor little thing down?
Poor thing.

Any white blotches, or bleached out patches on the red stripe area?
Are the neon eyes still bulging out?

Epson salt baths to help draw the fluids out.
Feed some shelled peas only. Don't feed the fish any dried foods for a day, or two.
Anti internal bacteria medication by interpet.
The white dot does it have any pink, or red areas. Like a circling of pink, red, on the edges, or a pink, or red, centre.
Poor thing.

Any white blotches, or bleached out patches on the red stripe area?
Are the neon eyes still bulging out?

Epson salt baths to help draw the fluids out.
Feed some shelled peas only. Don't feed the fish any dried foods for a day, or two.
Anti internal bacteria medication by interpet.
no on the strip sill just looks abit orange
the eyes are still bulging as is this the salt?
and would it not be better on the little thing to get some clove oil and put it out of its misery? as am sure continuealy netting it and putting it in salt baths will stress and kill it
our would putting in boiling water be quicker and painless? as thats what some one told me but was sceptable
Do not put the fish in boiling water it's cruel.
I would really try an internal bacteria medication first to see if the fish start to get better. I like to give fish a chance before ending there lives.

If you do think the little neon tetra far from saving, going down hill fast. Then I would put the fish out of it misery. Only then.

Fill a jug up with cold water., Add ice cubes. Or put the jug in the freezer till a thin ice sheet forms at the top. if you don't have ice cubes. Put the fish in the water. It won't take long. But leave the fish in the jug for a while to make sure it's passed away. Check gills to make sure the fish isn't still breathing.
Do not put the fish in boiling water it's cruel.
I would really try an internal bacteria medication first to see if the fish start to get better. I like to give fish a chance before ending there lives.

If you do think the little neon tetra far from saving, going down hill fast. Then I would put the fish out of it misery. Only then.

Fill a jug up with cold water., Add ice cubes. Or put the jug in the freezer till a thin ice sheet forms at the top. if you don't have ice cubes. Put the fish in the water. It won't take long. But leave the fish in the jug for a while to make sure it's passed away. Check gills to make sure the fish isn't still breathing.
I do think is it far from saving as theere is now more cotton wool looking stuff of the other side and its mout is now sticking out further on one side than the other so will probs put it out of its missery tomorrow if it has not already passed away, and I think I will just get clove oil as freezing to death does not sound a nice way to go either as I will try get some clove oil tomorrow from boots a supposidly it puts the fish to sleep like an anesthetic and it dies in its sleep I think cause anesthetic shuts down it capability to breath and it wont even know what is happening. thanks for the help anyways.

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