Sick Cichlid


New Member
Apr 8, 2013
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Hello , just a question regarding my American cichlid . Its a Blue Acara , only had it for 6 months about 3 inches long. We went away on Holiday for thirteen days and i left my niece on strict feeding duties , unfortunately somehow she had over fed them and thier water was heavily polluted when i got home.
I did an immediate water change and yet to check my levels yet but all my fish are looking fine besides the Acara , His tail fin is clamped and hes just standing on it , he does swim up alot and is still quite active , He is eating a little , not as much as usual. He seems to have loosened up a little the last 24 hours after the first clean ,he is getting small nips from other fish but he is alot bigger than them.
He still looks quite healthy other than the tail issue , i also did notice a rock has collapsed while i was gone that possibly could of crushed his back end. I am unable to separate him because i dont have another tank and my breeder net is quite small and he seems distressed in it. can anyone give ,me any advice on this issue. what other things could it be?

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