Shy Pictus


New Member
Jul 10, 2012
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My Pictus is still very young but when ever I walk in the room he swims of to the backof the tank behind some driftwood. He is about 2 inches and in a 15 gallon.
Have you just got the one? If so, then that is the most likely explanation. They are a very social species and need more of their own kind. I will also say that mine are sometimes quite seditory and only active at night, whereas sometimes they do not sit still at all. Also, 15g is not big enough long term. They need a four foot tank at least.
He likes to school with my four cories as he is practically the same size as them, he Plays with them a lot, he's an amazing fish

He likes to school with my four cories as he is practically the same size as them, he Plays with them a lot, he's an amazing fish
It won't stay that big for very long. Depending on what species of corydoras you have, it may be a threat to them. Hopefully they are not too small like pygmies.
No they are about fully grown and I don't think he will be able to eat them when he is bigger
I would not trust that combo at all, while I know very little about Pims I do they are rather predatory, much better odds than a lottery ticket that at some point it will try and eat a Corydoras. Which will then lock out its pectoral and dorsal first rays and release poison, then both die (unless you somehow rescue the Corydora fromt eh Pictus' mouth/throat.

Brochis would be far safer, most Hoplo-esque Catfish might be fine depending upon the Pictus' ID, Callichthys would certainly be up to the task. But then a group of Pictus will need a fair bit of space, ideally in something 5-foot or more.
I used to have a catfish named lazy but I figured out then when trying to catch them they are not very lazy , saddly he died of an unknown reason I'm not sure of it but he had a patch of white on his stomach

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