Shrimps tank 3 gallon with moss


New Member
Nov 15, 2016
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Hello guys
I had a bit of moss in surplus And I decided to rate A small aquariums for shrimps

Quite a cute looking bottle you have there :)
Nice looking little planted vase.

Though would not suggest putting shrimps in this unless you can add a simple filter and a heater perhaps since shrimps do require some basic set up to their environment.

But as a simple decorative planted tank, its good but not nearly big enough for my liking to add any livestocking tbh as it does look like that holds just a few litres, not gallons of water.
pretty! I took a glass bottle (vase?) and put some java moss in it just so I could see it grow :) experimenting, first time doing something involving a large glass jar with water and plants in it
Though would not suggest putting shrimps in this unless you can add a simple filter and a heater perhaps since shrimps do require some basic set up to their environment.

Shrimp require a cycled stable mature tank,

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