Hello All,
I am having a Fluval Edge 26 litre delivered this week and was wanting to set it up as a shrimp tank. I have read that shrimp produce a small bio load. Do I have to cycle the filter first for shrimp only? How many can safely live in 26 litres and which is the best and hardiest species for a newbie. I have have had tropical fish before and bred bristlenoses so not a total novice but I have never owned any shrimp and i want them to be happy. Also i know they like moss, do moss balls count? Any other advice gratefully received.
Thanks in advance for your help,
I am having a Fluval Edge 26 litre delivered this week and was wanting to set it up as a shrimp tank. I have read that shrimp produce a small bio load. Do I have to cycle the filter first for shrimp only? How many can safely live in 26 litres and which is the best and hardiest species for a newbie. I have have had tropical fish before and bred bristlenoses so not a total novice but I have never owned any shrimp and i want them to be happy. Also i know they like moss, do moss balls count? Any other advice gratefully received.
Thanks in advance for your help,