Shrimp Newbie Please Help

Maz 1979

New Member
Aug 4, 2011
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Hello All,

I am having a Fluval Edge 26 litre delivered this week and was wanting to set it up as a shrimp tank. I have read that shrimp produce a small bio load. Do I have to cycle the filter first for shrimp only? How many can safely live in 26 litres and which is the best and hardiest species for a newbie. I have have had tropical fish before and bred bristlenoses so not a total novice but I have never owned any shrimp and i want them to be happy. Also i know they like moss, do moss balls count? Any other advice gratefully received.

Thanks in advance for your help,
I would go for Red Cherry Shrimp to start with. They are probably the hardiest and easiest to look after. You will need a heater though set to around 22 degrees and definitely a cycled filter as they do not like ammonia.

They are a very good species to learn on, and if you start off with around 10, you should have a nice group and hopefully have a decent male to female mix to get some breeding under way.

Black sand, a nice piece of redmoor wood and some moss would go well and really make them stand out.

Dont forget to post pictures :good:
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm so happy you said Cherry shrimp as I've been looking at the various species and think they look amazing. I have the liquid test kits so will start cycling the tank as soon as it arrives with some borrowed media from an older tank and maybe household ammonia (been so long since I had to cycle a filter I think I will be spending some time at the fish-less cycling thread.)

Is redmoor wood different from the bogwood I have in my other tank? Is this a shrimp speciality? What is the best food for them. I will be doing a weekly courgette as I read somewhere they like this but are algae wafers a good standard food or should I be feeding something else and keep the wafers for in-between treats?

Thanks for all the help. As soon as I have them I will certainly be boring you guys with pictures like any proud keeper. I have heard they are great little characters to have around. Would a bristlenose and apple snails be adequate tank mates if they had loads of babies and some had to be moved to a larger tank I have? I wouldn't want anybody hurt.
Shrimp sure are fun and entertaining little critters. You will enjoy them. Good luck!
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm so happy you said Cherry shrimp as I've been looking at the various species and think they look amazing. I have the liquid test kits so will start cycling the tank as soon as it arrives with some borrowed media from an older tank and maybe household ammonia (been so long since I had to cycle a filter I think I will be spending some time at the fish-less cycling thread.)

Is redmoor wood different from the bogwood I have in my other tank? Is this a shrimp speciality? What is the best food for them. I will be doing a weekly courgette as I read somewhere they like this but are algae wafers a good standard food or should I be feeding something else and keep the wafers for in-between treats?

Thanks for all the help. As soon as I have them I will certainly be boring you guys with pictures like any proud keeper. I have heard they are great little characters to have around. Would a bristlenose and apple snails be adequate tank mates if they had loads of babies and some had to be moved to a larger tank I have? I wouldn't want anybody hurt.

Redmoor is just a different kind of wood, which I think looks prettier than standard bogwood. It is a lighter colour with a reddish tint and contrasts well with moss and black sand.

With regards to feeding, the JBL prawn pellets are brilliant and contain enough protein to help with shell shedding. Avoid high protein foods as this can cause complications. Courgette is also good, as are algae wafers.

You should have no problems keeping them with a bristlenose and apple snails.

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