Fish Crazy
SHRIMP FARM for sale.
After 5 very rewarding years I am reluctantly selling my entire shrimp farm and retiring off to the sun. I have built up a very successful small business that will offer great financial returns to any enthusiast willing to put the effort in and continue where I have left off. The UK is currently seeing phenomenal growth in the invertebrate market and there is no evidence to suggest this growth will slow any time soon. New variants are regularly becoming available if you are prepared to pay the price however the mainstay remains with the humble Red Cherry Shrimp and variants thereof, I specialise in this area and through years of selective breeding I have produced some stunning colours, Deep Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red Rili and other variants along the way. The Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina Hetropoda) is perhaps the easiest freshwater shrimp to keep and breed, requiring very little maintenance and quite happy in any UK municipal water, often without heating or filtration. They travel extremely well in the post and adapt very quickly to new environments. As for breeding, a mature female RCS will produce 20-50 live young every 3 months, the young grow rapidly, requiring no additional care and are ready for sale at around 6 weeks. Selling in the shops for approx £3 each I market my basic Cherries at 50p each, the higher grades at 75p each (£5-£7 in the shops if you can find them). The Red Rili’s I sell at £1 to £2 each.
Take say 20 female Rili’s – each producing 20 young 4 times in a year. That’s approx 80 shrimp for sale at £1 each – multiply by 20 females and your returns are approx £1600pa.
Apply the same to the other stock –
200 female RCS…..
80 female Sakura and Fire reds…..
10 Blues….Etc etc…..do the math!!!!!
By increasing the stock further, your sales are higher.
Without doubt a fantastic little earner.
I run my farm in my fish-house, it is AIR driven thus keeping running costs to a minimum. EVERYTHING is included to be up and running from day 1.
I can offer ongoing support and advice to anyone interested in taking this operation over.
I provide below an inventory of all that is included.
SHRIMP FARM – Inventory.
Shrimp stock:
Numbers are approximate:
100 x Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var. Red - Sakura grade.
50 x Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var. Red – Fire Red grade.
3 to 400 Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var Red – Standard cherry grade.
50 x Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var. Red Rili
20 x Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var. Blue
20 x Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var. Orange
Dimensions in inches: LxHxW
48 x 12 x 12 – drilled
32 x 9 x 17
24 x 15 x 12
24 x 8 x 8
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 10 x 10
16 x 10 x 12 (Intergrated hood/light/filter)
15 x 15 x 8 half hex
15 x 15 x 8 half hex
48 x 15 x 12 – crack in base.
30 x 15 x 12 – crack in base.
METAL Racking: (multiple adjustable shelves)
84 x 42 x 25
84 x 42 x 25
78 x 36 x 13
78 x 27 x 13
Air pumps.
Hailea ACO-318 air compressor. 70 L/per min. 30w.
Includes 2 x metal flow adjustable 18 port manifolds and all pipework/tubing and fixtures.
Various single and twin port air pumps.
Water pumps
1 x Eheim 6000 LPH
1 x Eheim 5000 LPH
Various internal pump/filters
Numerous T8 lighting ballasts and loads of tubes.
3 x 72” T8 lighting units and tubes.
Approx 15 tank heaters, 50w – 200w
Sponge filters.
Approx 13 fully matured sponge filters.
Loads of foods, meds, parts, nets, bits n bobs, all substrates, plants, bogwood and rockwork. Everything in the fish-house to go.
Includes all envelopes, bags, laggies, tubs, labels etc for posting shrimp together with sales contacts, forums and advertising sources.
All of the above - £1000.
After 5 very rewarding years I am reluctantly selling my entire shrimp farm and retiring off to the sun. I have built up a very successful small business that will offer great financial returns to any enthusiast willing to put the effort in and continue where I have left off. The UK is currently seeing phenomenal growth in the invertebrate market and there is no evidence to suggest this growth will slow any time soon. New variants are regularly becoming available if you are prepared to pay the price however the mainstay remains with the humble Red Cherry Shrimp and variants thereof, I specialise in this area and through years of selective breeding I have produced some stunning colours, Deep Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red Rili and other variants along the way. The Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina Hetropoda) is perhaps the easiest freshwater shrimp to keep and breed, requiring very little maintenance and quite happy in any UK municipal water, often without heating or filtration. They travel extremely well in the post and adapt very quickly to new environments. As for breeding, a mature female RCS will produce 20-50 live young every 3 months, the young grow rapidly, requiring no additional care and are ready for sale at around 6 weeks. Selling in the shops for approx £3 each I market my basic Cherries at 50p each, the higher grades at 75p each (£5-£7 in the shops if you can find them). The Red Rili’s I sell at £1 to £2 each.
Take say 20 female Rili’s – each producing 20 young 4 times in a year. That’s approx 80 shrimp for sale at £1 each – multiply by 20 females and your returns are approx £1600pa.
Apply the same to the other stock –
200 female RCS…..
80 female Sakura and Fire reds…..
10 Blues….Etc etc…..do the math!!!!!
By increasing the stock further, your sales are higher.
Without doubt a fantastic little earner.
I run my farm in my fish-house, it is AIR driven thus keeping running costs to a minimum. EVERYTHING is included to be up and running from day 1.
I can offer ongoing support and advice to anyone interested in taking this operation over.
I provide below an inventory of all that is included.
SHRIMP FARM – Inventory.
Shrimp stock:
Numbers are approximate:
100 x Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var. Red - Sakura grade.
50 x Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var. Red – Fire Red grade.
3 to 400 Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var Red – Standard cherry grade.
50 x Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var. Red Rili
20 x Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var. Blue
20 x Neocaridina Hetropoda – Var. Orange
Dimensions in inches: LxHxW
48 x 12 x 12 – drilled
32 x 9 x 17
24 x 15 x 12
24 x 8 x 8
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 12 x 12
18 x 10 x 10
16 x 10 x 12 (Intergrated hood/light/filter)
15 x 15 x 8 half hex
15 x 15 x 8 half hex
48 x 15 x 12 – crack in base.
30 x 15 x 12 – crack in base.
METAL Racking: (multiple adjustable shelves)
84 x 42 x 25
84 x 42 x 25
78 x 36 x 13
78 x 27 x 13
Air pumps.
Hailea ACO-318 air compressor. 70 L/per min. 30w.
Includes 2 x metal flow adjustable 18 port manifolds and all pipework/tubing and fixtures.
Various single and twin port air pumps.
Water pumps
1 x Eheim 6000 LPH
1 x Eheim 5000 LPH
Various internal pump/filters
Numerous T8 lighting ballasts and loads of tubes.
3 x 72” T8 lighting units and tubes.
Approx 15 tank heaters, 50w – 200w
Sponge filters.
Approx 13 fully matured sponge filters.
Loads of foods, meds, parts, nets, bits n bobs, all substrates, plants, bogwood and rockwork. Everything in the fish-house to go.
Includes all envelopes, bags, laggies, tubs, labels etc for posting shrimp together with sales contacts, forums and advertising sources.
All of the above - £1000.